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About Us
Vision Statement
All students’ life goals are met through family, school, and community partnerships.
Mission Statement
To inform and advise educational systems on best and promising practices that support family, school, and community partnerships.
Overarching Goal
To partner with Colorado’s families in reducing dropout rates, gaps in academic achievement and growth among student groups, and in increasing the number of students who continue into higher education following high school graduation or completion.
Objective #1
The Council will inform the following about best practices and strategies for parent involvement in public education and for promoting family-school partnerships: early childhood councils, public schools, school districts, Charter School Institute, Department of Education, State Board of Education, Department of Higher Education, Colorado Commission on Higher Education, and the governing boards for the state institutions of higher education. These best practices and strategies must be aligned with the National Standards for Family-School Partnerships (PTA, 2008).
Objective #2
The Council will recommend to the State Board of Education and Colorado Commission on Higher Education plans for statewide family partnerships initiatives, which may include, but may not be limited to requiring school districts and the Charter School Institute, as part of the accreditation process, to increase the level of family partnership in education; and to increase admissions to the institutions of higher education and the degree-completion rate and reduce the need for remediation.
Objective #3
The Council will seek gifts, grants, and donations from public or private sources for the creation of the Family Partnership in Education Grant Program. When the grant program is created, the Council will assist the Colorado Department of Education in implementing the program, review the grant applications, recommend which schools should be recipients of grant funding, and provide advice to recipient schools in implementing their programs.
National Standards for Family-School Partnerships
SACPIE aligns its work with the National Standards for Family-School Partnerships (PTA, 2008 ) which are as follows:
Standard 1 – Welcoming All Families
The school treats families as valued partners in their child’s education and facilitates a sense of belonging in the school community.
Standard 2 – Communicating Effectively
The school supports staff to engage in proactive, timely, and two-way communication so that all families can easily understand and contribute to their child’s educational experience.
Standard 3 – Supporting Student Success
The school builds the capacity of families and educators to continuously collaborate to support students’ academic, social and emotional learning.
Standard 4 – Speaking Up for Every Child
The school affirms family and student expertise and advocacy so that all students are treated fairly and have access to relationships and opportunities that will support their success.
Standard 5 – Sharing Power
The school partners with families in decisions that affect children and families and together—and as a team, inform, influence and create policies, practices and programs.
Standard 6 – Collaborating with the Community
The school collaborates with community organizations and members to connect students, families and staff to expanded learning opportunities, community services and civic participation.
(C.R.S. § 22-7-302 (5)(a)-(f), 2012)
SACPIE was established in state law in 2009 and was amended in 2013. More information on the current and original legislation:
- SB 09-090 (PDF)
- SB 13-193 (PDF)
- Colorado Parent Involvement Requirements in Public Education 12.6.12 (PDF)
SACPIE has specific membership requirements and responsibilities (C.R.S. §§ 22 -7-303, 22-7-304 and 22-7-305, 2012).
About LexisNexis
LexisNexis is the official publisher of the Colorado Revised Statutes (C.R.S.). This page will provide you with directions on how to access C.R.S. §§ 22-7-301 through 22-7-306 and other C.R.S. legislation.
From the LexisNexis website:
- Click on "I Agree" on the screen that pops up.
- Click on "Colorado Revised Statutes" on the left.
- Click on the "+" signs to expand each selection.
Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed on this webpage are those of the State Advisory Council for Parent Involvement in Education and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the Colorado Department of Education or the Colorado State Board of Education.
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