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Implementation Resources
Implementation Resources
The following resources are available to help districts and schools/programs cultivate and sustain partnerships linked to positive student outcomes. If you are just getting started with your FSCP program, we recommend beginning with the Strategy Guide. Other resources include guides for the FSCP National Standards, tools to support leadership activities and building FSCP teams, policy and action planning documents, and promising partnership practices.
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Strategy Guide
- Family, School, and Community Partnerships Strategy Guide 2.0
This strategy guide includes information about how to infuse stakeholder feedback throughout school policies and procedures while also including FSCP as a critical school improvement strategy on the Unified Improvement Plan. If you are just getting started with Family, School, and Community Partnerships, the Strategy Guide is a great place to begin.
High Impact Practices
- Continuum of High Impact Strategies
Compiling Promising Partnership Practices and additional resources, this website provides high impact family engagement strategies that directly support student success.
General FSCP Information
- Family, School, and Community Partnering PowerPoint (PDF)
This PowerPoint is available to share with other stakeholders interested in improving family-school-community partnerships in their schools and districts. - Academic Partnering Toolkit for Teachers
This toolkit provides meaningful ideas to implement before, during, and after academic partnering meetings between teachers and families.
National Standards for Family, School, and Community Partnerships
- National Standards Overview
This guide provides an explanation of each standard and its importance, the goals and indicators associated with each standard, and a summary of the changes that have been made to the standards from earlier versions. - National Standards Leader Actions Rubric
This rubric and accompanying reflection questions provides school leaders with an assessment of their leadership actions toward cultivating a school culture that prioritizes strong family-school partnerships.
Leadership Activities
- Lead and Succeed: An Inventory of District Leadership and Facilitation Strategies for Partnerships
This inventory outlines 50 activities that district facilitators may select to conduct their own partnership programs. - District Leadership Roles
This document outlines ways to strengthen district partnership programs. - Academic Partnering Companion Guide for School Leaders
A companion guide to the Academic Partnering Toolkit for Teachers, this guide provides school leaders with a checklist for supporting an effective academic partnership between families and teachers.
Building FSCP Teams
- Family, School, and Community Partnering Team Tracker (PDF)
This Team Tracker helps school personnel identify which teams within the school building already address family engagement goals and requirements. - Action Team for Partnership Structure (PDF)
Based on resources from the National Network of Partnership Schools at Johns Hopkins University, this activity page will be useful for schools that decide to form an Action Team for Partnerships in their school.
Policy Work
- Family Engagement Policy Critique (PDF)
State and federal statute requires that school districts adopt and implement a family engagement policy. This activity page includes considerations for successful policy drafting, implementation, and evaluation. - Developing a Written Parent and Family Engagement Policy
This guide includes several tools to assist districts and schools in their development of meaningful parent and family engagement policies. Resources, templates, and samples are available for two different policy formats: a traditional policy that simply meets the requirements of the law and an innovative policy that meets all requirements, but also includes some additional promising practices.
Action Plans and Goal Setting
- One-Year Action Plan for Partnerships (PDF)
Based on resources from the National Network of Partnership Schools at Johns Hopkins University, this action plan template can help schools organize family engagement around major improvement strategies. This resource is intended as a planning guide and is not meant to replace the Unified Improvement Plan. - Family, School, and Community Partnering Data-Based Action Plan (PDF)
This is another template that schools and districts may use when planning, implementing, and evaluating partnership activities for student success. This resource is intended as a planning guide and is not meant to replace the Unified Improvement Plan. - Reaching Results for Students (PDF)
This activity helps school and district personnel to plan goal-oriented partnership structures. District and school staff are encouraged to work with parents to reach results for students around the National Family-School Partnership Standards.
Promising Partnership Practices
- 2024 Collection of Promising Partnership Practices
The State Advisory Council for Parent Involvement in Education (SACPIE) and the Colorado Department of Education (CDE) are pleased to share this tenth annual collection of Promising Partnership Practices. The purpose of this publication is for schools, districts, and other educational organizations in Colorado to highlight how they partner with families and the community for student success. - Promising Partnership Practices
A collection of promising partnership practices throughout Colorado from the past five years.
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