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Continuum of High Impact Strategies
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In order to help build families’ capacity to navigate the six roles from the Dual Capacity-Building Framework that families should be able to play (co-creators, supporters, encouragers, monitors, advocates, and models), schools and district should focus on high impact strategies. High impact strategies - bolded in orange in the image above - are individualized, focused on student learning, and help facilitate relationship building. Please do not think that the strategies on the low impact end of the slide are bad. Celebrations, potlucks, and school newsletters are all important strategies for creating an inclusive and positive school community. However, low impact strategies are often school-led, not learning focused, and require the family to come to the school. High impact strategies are more often teacher-led, learning-focused, individualized, build relationships or support academic partnering, and don't require the family to come to the school.
High Impact Practices and Resources
Use the links below to explore promising partnership practices and resources for family engagement strategies that have a high impact on student success.
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