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Archive of CDE Update - Special Editions
2022 Special Editions
- Sept. 22
CDE creates ESSER I Rapid Request grant program before Sept. 30 federal deadline
- Aug. 24
- CDPHE offers communications toolkits for school testing programs.
- Aug. 19
- CDC releases resources about monkeypox for schools and early childhood centers
- Affordable Connectivity Program available to Colorado households
- Aug. 18
- Applications for final round of the RISE Turnaround Grant are available
- Aug. 10
- CDPHE releases 2022-23 COVID-19 school guidance
- On-site and take-home testing available for students, staff and volunteers
- Masks and sanitizing wipes for schools continue to be available upon request
- Aug. 1
- CDPHE calls for a Wednesday meeting to discuss updated COVID-19 school guidance
- June 17
COVID-19 school screening and Test to Stay programs end on June 30
- June 16
- Updated deadlines for Local Coordinating Organizations
- May 11
- TLCC results available
- Free COVID testing for summer school/camps
- School nurse recruitment kit available
- Department of Early Childhood opens applications for Local Coordinating Organizations
- April 26
- Free K-12 COVID-19 Summer School and Camp Testing
- March 31
- READ Act teacher training communications toolkit and data collection process
- March 10
- Update on K-12 Education Accountability Systems Performance Evaluation
- March 4
- CDPHE releases Test to Stay guidance in Spanish
- CDPHE cancels school testing webinars, offers office hours
- Feb. 24
- CDPHE updates Test to Stay guidance
- Feb. 17
- CDE releases five ESSER funding opportunities
- Feb. 11
- Updated COVID-19 school guidance posted on CDPHE website
- Feb. 9
- CDPHE to host webinar on updated COVID-19 school guidance
- Feb. 3
- CDPHE Test to Stay school guidance now effective
- Jan. 31
- Reminder: CDPHE to host webinar on Test to Stay school guidance
- Jan. 28
- CDPHE to host webinar on Test to Stay school guidance
- CDPHE letter about most recent changes to quarantine and vaccinations
- Jan. 19
- U.S. Department of Education hosting webinars on in-school testing
- Jan. 13
- 18 community vaccine sites opened around state
- White House announces COVID-19 test initiatives for schools
- Jan. 7
- Updated guidance from CDPHE and CDC about isolating and quarantining.
- Jan. 6
- Updated guidance from CDPHE and CDC
2021 Special Editions
- Dec. 23
- Follow up information from superintendent briefing with state epidemiologist and COVID-19 incident commander
- Nov. 19
- Free COVID-19 rapid antigen tests available for rural, small rural districts
- Ventilation guidance available for schools
- Nov. 16
- Invitation to Blended Learning Initiative Convening
- New public health order requires vaccines at public indoor events with 500 or more people in six Colorado counties
- Nov. 9
- CDPHE holds webinars on school screening testing program
- Secretary Cardona urges districts, schools to hold vaccine clinics
- Nov. 4
- Colorado ARP ESSER state plan approved by U.S. Department of Education
- High-impact tutoring program deadline extended to Nov. 11
- Nov. 3
- Communications toolkit is available for 5-17 vaccine campaigns.
- A communications toolkit is available for explaining mill levy correction.
- Oct. 29
- Supply chain challenges impacting districts nationwide
- Spanish language documents about school testing programs are available
- Oct. 20
- CDPHE planning for COVID-19 vaccines for 5- to 11-year-olds
- Oct 19
- State Auditor's Office provides an update on accountability system evaluation
- Oct. 12
- FBI hosts webinar for school leaders on identifying signs of violence and radicalism
- Oct. 11
- State seeks public comment on the draft plan of new Department of Early Childhood
- High impact tutoring grant application available
- Sept. 27
- CDPHE offers webinars for school screening, testing program
- CU offers mental health resources for educators
- Sept. 20
- CDPHE provides communications materials for the COVID-19 school screening testing program
- Sept. 15
- CDPHE updates and clarifies school guidance regarding masking, ventilation and quarantining
- Colorado submits ESSER plan to U.S. Department of Education
- Sept. 2
- Communications toolkit materials available for school COVID-testing program
- Aug. 25
- Final Reminder: Remote Learning Assurances and Variance Waiver deadlines
- Tutoring and student support programs available to districts and schools
- Aug. 12
- No cost KN95 respirators and surgical masks available
- Aug. 11
- CDPHE offering free COVID-19 tests at schools
- Reminder on 2021-22 school year instructional hour guidance
- Aug. 6
- Prevention and mitigation resources, strategies available in the new back-to-school toolkit
- July 26
- CORRECTED DATE - Listening session about COVID-19 vaccine campaign for 12- to 17-year-olds
- July 23
- Listening session about COVID-19 vaccine campaign for 12- to 17-year-olds
- July 20
- CDPHE releases back-to-school guidance
- July 8
- Resources available to help districts and schools promote COVID-19 vaccination outreach and education efforts
- Districts and schools encouraged to participate in School Pulse Panel survey
- ESSER Feedback Engagement Opportunities available for principals and administrators
- July 2
- CDPHE removes removes requirement for schools to enforce mask use
- Webinar set about new state agency for early childhood programs
- June 25
- Status on Updated School Guidance for Prevention of SARS-CoV-2 Spread
- June 16
- Remote Learning Guidance for 2021-22 School Year
- Blended Learning & Supplemental Online Course Guidance
- June 2
- Colorado Comeback Cash Scholarship Drawing begins Monday
- U.S. Department of Education grants Colorado extension on ESSER fund distribution plan
- CDPHE introduces new COVID-19 testing program for schools
- May 26
- Temporary Remote Learning Options for the 2021-22 School Year
- May 24
- COVID-19 Learning Impacts Toolkit
- CDE seeks deadline extension on plans for ESSER III funds
- May 17
- Update graduation ceremony guidance
- Gov. Polis' updated mask order
- May 13
- Vaccine for 12-15 year olds
- Equity & Excellence Learning Series
- April 30
- Updated cases and outbreak guidance from CDPHE
- ESSER II state set-aside funding
- April 29
- Sterilizing wipes to be delivered with mask shipments
- Emergency grant available for ventilation and filtration systems
- April 27
- ESSER III application open
- April 20
- Data collection for Pandemic Electronic Benefit Transfer
- April 16
- Remote learning guidance for 2021-22
- April 2
- State mask mandate extended for 30 days
- March 29
- Graduation Guidance from CDPHE
- Communications resources for CMAS tests this spring
- March 23
- School Safety and Crisis Resources
- New Educator Licensing system launching March 30; current system will be unavailable March 24-29
- Elementary and Secondary Education Emergency Relief funds update
- Colorado's Status Dial 3.0 will take effect on March 24
- Potential outcomes of federal waiver on assessments
- March 18
- BinaxNOW antigen tests
- March 16
- Prom Guidance from CDPHE
- Transportation changes seeking written comments
- March 12
- Emergency Assistance to Non-Public Schools Grant application open
- March 11
- Accountability and Improvement Planning Update
- Virtual Learning Options
- March 1
- BinaxNOW tests for students
- Feb. 23
- Notes from Feb. 18 CDPHE BinaxNOW Office Hours
- Feb. 17
- Sports guidance
- Vaccine survey
- Feb. 12
- ESSER II Fund applications
- Safety guidance for performing arts activities
- Vaccine survey
- Feb. 11 (URGENT)
- Shipping portal for BinaxNOW open
- Feb. 10
- CDPHE office hours regarding BinaxNOW tests
- EANS grant for nonpublic schools
- Virtual training for district grant and fiscal administrators
- Feb. 5 (URGENT)
- CDPHE update on vaccination plan for educators and other school staff
- Feb. 4 (URGENT)
- Updated link for CDPHE office hours re. BinaxNOW tests
- Feb. 3
- CDPHE office hours re. BinaxNOW tests
- Performing arts guidance updates
- Jan. 29
- Vaccines available for educators
- Jan. 28
- Gov. Polis update district leaders re. vaccine distribution plan
- CMAS/CoAlt window extended
- Mask accommodations re. school and sport club activities
- Jan. 27 (URGENT)
- Vaccine distribution survey
- Jan. 21
- State vaccination program slowed due to limited supply
- Share tools for learning and iterating during 2020-21
- Jan. 19
- Updated guidance on ventilation strategies for school buildings
- Surgical and KN95 masks to be distributed to educators
- District leaders can opt-in to rapid COVID-19 testing programs
- Jan. 12
- Surgical and KN95 masks to be distributed to educators
- Jan. 11
- Updated guidance for charter schools
- Jan. 7
- Colorado schools to get an additional $519.3 million in ESSER funds
- Updated communication resources available for ACCESS tests
- District leaders can opt-in to rapid COVID-19 testing program
- Jan. 6
- Details on rapid COVID-19 tests
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