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Request For Funds Forms (RFF) Non-GAINS only


Links to Request for Funds

If you are requesting funds using one of the forms you have not used before, you must create a log in to that form. The log in information can be the same as the other forms, but you must go through that process when you first access each separate form.

Grant Type


RFF Due Date

  • Consolidated Federal Programs (ESSA)
  • Connecting Colorado Students
  • Elementary & Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER):
    • ESSER
    • ESSER Supplemental
    • ESSER II
    • ESSER II Supplemental
    • American Rescue Plan ESSER III
  • Governor's Emergency Education Relief Fund (GEER)
  • GEERS Quality Teacher
  • EANS (Emergency Aid to Non-Public Schools)

Request Funds for ESSA, CCSG,
ESSER, GEER, Quality Teacher or EANS

1st of the month

  • Empowering Action for School Improvement (EASI)

Request Funds for

15th of the month

  • Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA)
  • ESSER II Supplemental for AUs

Request Funds for IDEA &
ESSER II Supplemental for AUs

1st of the month

  • All Competitive Grants

Request Funds for
All Competitive Grants

15th of the month

Upcoming Zoom Trainings

None at this time.

Formsite RFF Resources