CDE will be closed on Monday, Feb. 17 for the Presidents Day holiday.
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Accommodations Training
State Assessment Accommodations
- Accommodations Crosswalk
- CMAS and CoAlt Procedures Manual, Section 6.0: Administrative Considerations, Accessibility Features, and Accommodations
- CMAS Extended Time Accommodations Table
Speech-to-Text (STT)
Unique Accommodation Request (UAR) Documents
ACCESS - UARs due by December 1
- ACCESS Special Accommodation Request** - special accommodations may be available to a limited number of students who meet specific criteria to access one or more domains.
- Extended testing time within a school day
- Extended time of a domain over multiple days
- Other non-standard accommodations
CMAS - UARs due by December 15
- CMAS Special Accommodation Request** - special accommodations may be available to a limited number of students who meet specific criteria to access one or more content areas
- Non-standard accommodations
*Do not email completed UAR forms, supporting data, and spreadsheets to CDE. DACs send UAR files to CDE through Syncplicity. Notify when all of the district's UAR files are posted for review.
**Contact Arti Sachdeva for more information if you believe you have a student who may need a special accommodation.
Contact Arti Sachdeva with questions about state assessment accommodations.
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