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Early Literacy Grant Approved Implementation Consultants
ELG Implementation Consultant Advisory List
Consultants applied to be considered for inclusion on the ELG Implementation Consultant Advisory List. Applications were due April 29, 2024 and CDE concluded reviews in May 2024.
Approved consultants were deemed proficient in the following areas:
- History of School and/or District Improvement
- Scientifically Based Reading Research and Instruction
- System Alignment
- Professional Development and Supports
Please reach out to consultants directly for resumes.
Contact to request application rubrics.
Click on the company names below for more information.
CoachUp! Consulting
Brenda Wright-Nardo, 719-510-8387
Dedicated to instructional support, professional development, and leadership-building through collaborative partnerships that positively influence instruction and achievement outcomes for all.
Growing Educational Practices
Amy Vanravenswaay, 605-999-6108
Growing Educational Practices provides professional development for schools along with site-visits to ensure practices and sustained improvements are embedded in the science of reading.
Kristy Khoury Consulting
Kristy Khoury, 310-663-3080
Kristy Khoury Consulting, based in Littleton, CO since 1998 provides customized needs based support to enhance achievement at your site, and meet CDE goals, without compromising school climate.
Literacy Transformations, LLC
Melody Ilk, 303-619-6316
Melody Ilk is a national literacy consultant and author with two decades of successful experience in implementing scientifically-based structured literacy systems around the country.
Literacy Collective, LLC
Danielle Lucas-Adam, 262-443-3342
Danielle is committed to supporting schools in increasing reading proficiency through authentic collaboration, coaching and development in the science of reading and evidence-based instruction.
Brittany Philipsen, 210-417-7147
With nearly two decades in education, Brittany strives to bridge the gap between reading research and instruction for educators across the country, promoting equity and enhancing literacy outcomes.
Lumbrera Literacy Consulting
Sara Reeser, 720-300-8336
Lumbrera Literacy is a structured literacy firm owned by Sara Reeser specializing in translating research to practice and designing systems to ensure success for all, including bilingual education.
Side-by-Side Consulting
Carrie Cole, 208-680-5586
We work side-by-side with teachers and administrators to implement evidence-based literacy practices aligned to the science of reading, ensuring equity and increased literacy outcomes for all.
SLK Educational Consulting
Sherry Kyle, 719-491-6972
Ms. Kyle is an experienced educator and leader. She served across the K-12 continuum as a teacher and administrator. She is also an National Consultant on school leadership and literacy improvement.
Sterling Literacy Consulting
Sterling Literacy Consulting specializes in providing customized research-based professional learning experiences that engage teachers as learners in a wide array of instructional best practices.
Debbie Hunsaker, 406-439-4117
STRIVE INC., owned by Debbie Hunsaker, supports schools in implementing evidence-based literacy practices and has been an Approved Provider for every cohort of the CO Early Literacy Grant (ELG).
Youngren Consulting
Jill Youngren, 970-901-9399
Versatile educator, blending classroom, principalship, and district roles. Specialized in PK-12 collaboration to boost student achievement. Dedicated to empowering educators for student success.
Frequently Accessed Resources
Implementation Consultant Resources
- Approved list of ELG Implementation Consultants
- 2024 Implementation Consultant Review Timeline
- ELG MOY Goal Progress Report (Cohorts 5 & 6)
- ELG MOY Goal Progress Report (Cohort 7)
Amplify Resources
mCLASS DIBELS® 8th Edition Resources
- DIBELS® 8th Edition and mCLASS Lectura Program Guide
- DIBELS® 8th Edition and mCLASS Lectura Reporting Guide
- mCLASS DIBELS 8 Benchmark Goals
- DIBELS 8 Administration and Scoring Guide
2023-2024 mCLASS DIBELS® 8th Edition Progress Planning Growth Tools
Reporting for Active Grantees
- ELG Reporting Guidance 2023-2024 School Year
- Contact Information Change
- ELG Exit Information
- Leadership Transition Plan
- ELG EOY Self-Evaluation Reporting (Cohorts 5 & 6, Open May - June)
- ELG EOY Self-Evaluation Reporting (Cohort 7, Open May - June)
- Grant Report Submission (For AFR/IFR submissions only)
Webinars & Office Hours Information
For questions, please contact the READ Act ELG Team
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