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READ Act Statute and State Board Rules

The Colorado Reading to Ensure Academic Development Act (Colorado READ Act) was passed by the Colorado legislature in 2012, giving the state the guiding philosophy, structure and resources to get children reading at grade level by the time they enter the fourth grade. 

READ Act Statute

The Colorado READ Act - revised 2022 (PDF) 


Legislation related to the READ Act:

Rules for the Administration of the READ Act

In March 2020, the State Board of Education finalized the Rules for the Administration of the Colorado Reading to Ensure Academic Development Act (READ Act), 1 CCR 301-92. 

READ Act Rules - updated 2023 (PDF)

Rules for the Administration of the Early Literacy Grant Program

Rules for Administration of Early Literacy Grant Program 4/15/20 (PDF)

2022 Public Feedback on Rule Amendments to READ Act

Public comment is being accepted on the proposed changes to the rules for the Colorado READ Act (1 CCR 301-92) which were noticed in July of 2022. The rulemaking hearing is scheduled for the State Board of Education meeting in September 2022 to incorporate statutory changes to the READ Act as a result of the passage of SB22-004 and changes to the assessment advisory list. Information on the public comment process can be found on the SBE webpage. Public comment can be provided by emailing