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IHEs: Educator Preparation Program Authorization, Reauthorization and Adding an Endorsement
Welcome! If you’re reading this, then you’re interested in either:
- Developing an educator preparation program at an Institute of Higher Education (IHE),
- Participating in the Reauthorization Process of an existing program at an IHE or
- Adding an endorsement to an existing program at an IHE.
On this page, you'll find a brief overview of the three processes. If you are looking to review a list of Educator Preparation Programs in Colorado, you can find that information in our Searchable Database.
Completion of preparation programs at IHEs lead to an array of licensure endorsement possibilities for candidates. The Colorado Department of Education (CDE) leads the authorization and reauthorization processes of IHE-based licensure programs.
If you have questions pertaining to degree requirements or if you are looking for information on becoming a new Institute of Higher Education in Colorado, please contact DHE. This information applies only to IHEs looking to create traditional educator preparation programs or IHEs that have existing traditional educator preparation programs that wish to add a new endorsement to a program. Example of programs and endorsements include Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CLD), Math, Science, Gifted Education, Special Service Professionals (SSP), and so on.
Traditional preparation programs offered through IHEs provide a pathway for developing educators in Colorado. IHEs that offer traditional educator preparation programs are charged with preparing the breadth and depth of licensed personnel who serve Colorado’s children. Each IHE has a unique teaching and learning mission that guides the way that they serve educator candidates across the state.
Multiple Measures of Content Competency is Live!
The Multiple Measures of Content Competency option is available to individuals applying on or after Aug. 1, 2023. Established in 2023 by Colorado House Bill 22-1220, Multiple Measures of Content Competency increases the number of ways initial teacher licensure candidates may demonstrate depth of content knowledge toward meeting requirements for their first Colorado teacher license. The Colorado Department of Education has created a free submission system for candidates via COOL, resource guidance for preparation programs, updated webpages, FAQs, and worksheets for Multiple Measures of Content Competency. The CDE is here to serve as resource for this new option for initial teacher licensure and can be reached at
Colorado House Bill 22-1220 has numerous implications around education preparation for candidates and programs. Visit this webpage for more information about stipend programs, licensure options and demonstration of content competency!
NEW! Authorization, Reauthorization, and Adding an Endorsement Guide available!
- Review the Authorization, Adding an Endorsement, and Reauthorization Guidance Document (page 13). This is for newly proposed educator preparation programs who wish to go through initial authorization.
- Submit Documentation per directions in the IHE authorization guidance document
- Email intent to add an endorsement.
- Complete the Needs Assessment and email it to the Educator Preparation Team.
- Complete the Authorization Proposal.
- Complete/submit Educator Preparation Standards Matrices and related materials.
Initial Authorization Submission Timeline
Event Type
Application/Matrices Submission Timeline
Review of Submission Occurs
Initial Program Authorization
Application: Jun 1 - Sep 1
Matrices Submission: Oct 1
Oct - Dec
CDE Reauthorization Goals
- Evaluate alignment of educator preparation program content to the CDE Rules and Regulations.
- Evaluate quality and depth of candidate experience so as to ensure CDE Rules and Regulations are met within the educator preparation program.
- Evaluate impact of completers/teacher candidates on student learning
- Provide opportunities for reflection about the educator preparation program and support a process of continuous improvement.
Guidance and Resources Supporting Reauthorization
- Review the Authorization, Adding an Endorsement, and Reauthorization Guidance Document (page 16). This is for already approved educator preparation programs preparing for reauthorization.
- Timeline of events leading up to the site visit
- Self-study cycle
- Domains and Performance Indicators
- Submit documentation per directions in the reauthorization guide
- Educator Preparation Standards Matrices
- Please email CDE to coordinate submission of materials.
- Click here for a schedule of upcoming reauthorizations.
- Schedule Template:
Reauthorization Matrices Submission Timeline
Event Type
Application/Matrices Submission Timeline
Review of Submission Occurs
Reauthorization visits scheduled for September, October, November, and December
June 1
Jun - Sep
Reauthorization visits scheduled for January, February, March, April, and May
October 1
Oct - Dec |
- Review the Authorization, Adding an Endorsement, and Reauthorization Guidance Document (page 14). This is for already approved educator preparation programs seeking to add an endorsement to their program.
- Email intent to add an endorsement.
- Complete the Needs Assessment.
- Complete/submit Educator Preparation Standards Matrices and related materials.
Adding an Endorsement Submission Timeline
Event Type
Application/Matrices Submission Timeline
Review of Submission Occurs
Authorization of Adding an Endorsement Program
Spring Submission: Jun 1
Fall Submission: Oct 1
Spring Submission: Jun - Sep
Fall Submission: Oct - Dec
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