Motivating Learning Participants with the 7 Steps of Earning Instructional Control, Part 2 (3-Part Series) (Tri-State Webinar)
Audience: Educators, Other District/School Staff | Topic: Autism, Special Education | Hosted by: Office of Special Education
Requirement for School / District Staff: N/A

On-Demand format
Originally aired October 18, 2017
Presenters Robert Schramm, MA, BCBA
Learner Objectives
- Reinforcer Control.
- The principle of Pairing
- “Saying what you mean, meaning what you say”
- Positive vs. Negative Reinforcement.
- An ever-increasing Variable Ratio of Reinforcement.
- Priorities, Priorities, Priorities.
Study Questions
- What is reinforcer control? Provide an example of how you can use reinforcer control with your own student.
- What is pairing? Describe two ways you can use pairing to develop a positive relationship with your student.
Watch the Webinar
Other Parts of this Training
Link to Part 2 of Motivating Learning Participants with the 7 Steps of Earning Instructional Control
Link to Part 3 of Motivating Learning Participants with the 7 Steps of Earning Instructional Control
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CDE Autism
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