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About This Resource

ParentCorps is an early childhood, family-centered, school-based intervention for children and their families living in historically disinvested neighborhoods. The universal program targets children in pre-Kindergarten (pre-K) and is designed to help parents and teachers create safe, nurturing, and predictable environments for young children. ParentCorps is delivered as an enhancement to pre-K programs. The goal is to promote child self-regulation and early learning, at home and at school, by increasing positive behavior support (e.g., nurturing parent-child interactions), effective behavior management (e.g., consistent consequences for misbehavior), and parental involvement in education (e.g., parent-teacher communication).

Blueprints Registry
Crime Solutions from National Institute of Justice Registry

Rating: Promising


Cost Information: 

No cost information available

Who This Resource Is For


  • Behavioral Health
  • Family-Focused Program
  • Mental Health
  • Support Tier: 

  • Tier 1
  • Age Range: 

  • Early Childhood
  • Language: 

  • English
  • Ethnicity: 

  • Not Specified / Any
  • Community Type: 

  • Not Specified / Any