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CDE Student Wellness Grant
Colorado Student Wellness Quick Links
View our Student Wellness Fact Sheet
About CDE Student Wellness Grant
This grant program, an expansion of the Colorado Comprehensive Health Education Act, supports school districts, Board of Cooperative Services (BOCES), charter schools authorized by a school district or the Charter School Institute, and facility schools to implement the Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child (WSCC) approach to:
- Increase coordination of policies, practices, and programs to support the physical, mental, emotional, and social needs of students;
- Expand local student wellness policies and local Student Wellness programs (C.R.S. 22-32-136 (5.5))
- Connect school health and wellness efforts to comprehensive health education standards and skills.
Colorado Comprehensive Health Education Act (§§ 22-25-101 — 22-25-110).
Request for Applications (RFA) Status: CLOSED
Current funding from 2024-2028
News and Announcements
New Report! Per House Bill 23-1009, the Secondary School Student Substance Use Committee developed a report with a practice that secondary schools may implement to identify students who need substance use treatment, as well as interventions, resources, and referrals. Click here to learn more about the report.
Learning Opportunities
Colorado Healthy Schools Collaborative (CHSC)
The CHSC was launched in September 2020 to connect anyone interested in healthier schools and a focus on engaging individuals and partners across Colorado. The CHSC includes members from schools, districts, charters, BOCES, government agencies, public health agencies, non-profits, community partners, and health care and health services. The CHSC meets quarterly to offer opportunities to network and learn from one another.
Next virtual CHSC convening: Thursday, February 13, 2024, from 1:00–3:00 PM.
- During this session, we will engage in a Virtual World Café to explore interventions addressing chronic absenteeism grounded in the Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child (WSCC) framework.
- Registration Link
Health Equity in Schools: Data-Driven Strategies
The Colorado Healthy Schools Program team is excited to announce the launch of our self-paced, online course, Health Equity in Schools: Data-Driven Strategies in collaboration with the Rocky Mountain Public Health Training Center! This course emphasizes the crucial role of the education community in promoting health equity. Utilizing the Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child (WSCC) model, participants will learn strategies to incorporate health equity principles into school settings.
Length of Learning Opportunity: 1 hour
Trauma-Informed Practices in Physical Education
CDE, in partnership with UNC, created a "Trauma Informed Practices in Physical Education" course.
Participants will:
- Recognize the impact of trauma on student behavior and learning in PE.
- Implement trauma-informed strategies to promote emotional safety and inclusivity.
- Foster positive relationships and mindfulness to support all students in physical education.
Certificate Included
Current Student Wellness Grantees
If you need to make an update to your CDE Student Wellness Contacts, please use this form.
- 5280 High School
- Calhan RJ-1
- Colorado River BOCES
- Crowley County RE-1-J
- Eagle County RE 50
- Garfield 16
- Gunnison Watershed RE1J
- Kwiyagat Community Academy
- Lake County R-1
- Montrose County RE-1J
- New Legacy Charter School
- Poudre R-1
- Silverton 1
- Steamboat Montessori
- Swink 33
Student Wellness Resources
- School Wellness Committee Toolkit (PDF) - This guide was created as a resource for school wellness committees to convene, plan and implement their action plans.
- Virtual Healthy School - The CDC interactive Virtual Healthy School (VHS) shows how components of the Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child (WSCC) model can be integrated into your school to meet the needs of the whole child.
- RMC Health Skills Models - Skill guides for the seven key health skills aligned with the National Health Education Standards.
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) - Adolescent and School Health
Community Partners
- Colorado Department of Public Safety - School Safety Resource Center
- Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment
- Colorado Community Partners for Comprehensive Health
Local Student Wellness Program
Each school district and board of cooperative services (BOCES) is encouraged to establish a local student wellness program that includes or is otherwise coordinated with health education. A school district’s or BOCES’ comprehensive health education advisory council or accountability committee may address and make recommendations to the school district or the board of cooperative services concerning the local student wellness program, including but not limited to the programs to be provided and best practices and strategies for involving families and the community in the local student wellness programs (C.R.S. 22-25-106(1)(b)).
“Local student wellness program” means a program adopted by a school district, board of cooperative services, charter, or facility school that is coordinated with health education and is designed to provide services to students in one or more of the following areas (C.R.S. 22-25-103 (5.5)):
(a) Physical education;
(b) Nutrition services;
(c) Mental health counseling and services;
(d) Promotion of a healthy school environment;
(e) Health education;
(f) Health services;
(g) Involvement of students’ families and communities in supporting and reinforcing healthy choices.
Previously Funded Districts
- Archuleta School District (2018-2021)
- Center Consolidated Schools (2018-2021)
- Cherry Creek 5 (2021-2024)
- Charter School Institute - New America School (2018 - 2021; 2021-2024)
- Charter School Institute - Steamboat Montessori (2021-2024)
- Douglas County RE-1 - Renaissance Secondary School (2018-2021)
- Eagle County RE 50 (2021-2024)
- El Paso County School District 49 (2018-2023)
- Englewood Schools (2018-2021)
- Greeley 6 (2018-2021; 2021-2024)
- Harrison 2 (2018-2021; 2021-2024)
- Harrison 2 - Atlas Preparatory School (2021-2024)
- Hayden R-1 (2018-2021; 2021-2024)
- Lake County School District (2018-2021)
- Mountain Valley RE-1 (2021-2024)
- Poudre School District (2018-2021)
- Salida R-32 (2021-2024)
- Sheridan 2 (2021-2024)
- Swink 33 (2021-2024)
- Trinidad 1 (2021-2024)
- Silverton School District (2018-2021)
- Jefferson County Public Schools (2018-2021)
- St. Vrain Valley School District (2018-2021)
- STRIVE Preparatory Schools (2018-2021)
Liz Schroeder
Health Education Senior Grants Consultant
Email Liz
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