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Revising Funding Applications in GAINS
Users will learn how to initiate and complete revisions to approved funding applications in GAINS. This training is applicable to users in the LEA Grant Update, LEA Grant Director, LEA Fiscal Representative, and LEA Authorized Representative roles.
GAINS Homepage Revising Funding Applications Recording
In GAINS, navigate to the application for which you want to complete a revision. Note that an application must be in the CDE Director Approved status before the “Revision Started” status option is available.
- On the Sections page of your application, change the status of the application to “Revision Started” and then “Confirm” to begin your edits.
- Click into any section of the application to revise your narrative responses or your budget.
- If this is a site-level application, a dropdown will be shown on the sections page where you can select the correct site for which you are making changes. This dropdown will only appear in site-level applications.
For Narrative Response Revisions
- When completing changes to narrative responses, indicate those changes by emphasizing the location and date of the edits. For example, add a brief, dated summary of the changes at the top of the text field; or bold or highlight those changes within the narrative so they are easily found by both your organization and CDE reviewers.
For Budget Revisions
- To complete edits to your Budget, click on Modify All to see all line items, or click on Modify next to the specific Object Code you’d like to revise.
- Click on the pencil icon in the Edit column to update a line item or click on the trash can icon in the Delete column to remove an item entirely from the budget. You can also add a new line item by clicking on Add Budget Detail.
- To make budget edits using a standalone Excel document, see the Small Bites instructions on how to use the Downloading and Uploading Budget function.
Back on the Sections page, you’ll be able to see any section to which revisions were made as indicated in the Revision column.
- If there are validation errors that occurred to changes made to the application, those will be flagged in the Validation column.
Click on Details to view the location of the changes that were made.
- Changes made to the Budget will appear in full on this screen.
- Changes made to narrative responses will only indicate the location of the change and not the specific change that was made. This is why it is particularly important to emphasize the changes made within the edited text.
Once your revisions are completed, click on Revision Completed to move the application forward in the system.
- The approval steps will follow the exact same workflow as your original application.
- Next, your LEA Fiscal Representative will approve the changes, followed by your LEA Authorized Representative.
- Once your application is at LEA Authorized Representative Approved, it is ready for CDE’s review and approval.
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