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Renewing Induction Programs
If you’re reading this, then you are a school district, BOCES, charter school, or non-public school interested in renewing an induction program for teachers, special service providers (SSPs) or principals and administrators.
Note: If you're an educator who is looking to:
- Complete an induction program, please contact your district or BOCES.
- Move your initial license to a professional license, access the licensure checklist to review the requirements.
Renewing Induction Programs
Vision: Every new educator, leader and special service provider participates in high-quality induction that supports their transition into the profession and their development as a professional educator committed to student success.
Renewing Your Induction Program
The renewal process is a great opportunity to conduct a comprehensive review of your induction program and make program improvements. When you are due for renewal, you will receive a notification by September of the semester before your renewal due date.
Types of Induction Programs
There are three types of induction programs in Colorado:
- New teacher induction
- New Special Service Provider (SSP) induction
- New principal or administrator induction
Note that, according to Colorado Board of Education rule, initial licenses are only valid in districts and schools that maintain an induction program for that license type. Most schools and districts will want to have all three types of induction available or have a clear plan to partner with another organization (BOCES or other induction provider) to ensure that any initial license holders have access to induction.
If you were previously approved to offer a combined teacher/SSP induction program, you will submit separate applications on your next renewal, one for your teacher induction program and another for your SSP induction program.
Renewal Cohorts
Programs who are due for renewal will have the option to participate in an induction renewal cohort. This is a small group of induction leaders who are all due for renewal in the same window. In the fall semester before renewal, programs will meet in October and November every other week to prepare their application and discuss best practices grounded in the induction rubric. Participation is optional for renewing programs but will provide a powerful program review opportunity. All programs who are due for renewal will receive an invitation to participate in September before their renewal date.
Learn more about renewal cohorts for 24-25
Application Timeline
All induction programs have a renewal date of January 15. If your program is due for renewal, you will receive notification by September before the renewal along with details on how to submit your renewal.
Application Resources
The resources below are designed to help shape your induction application. Programs must meet the minimum requirements in the program rubric in order to be renewed as an approved induction program.
Induction Handbook (start here)
Using the Rubric
The induction rubrics include a set of “MUST” indicators and “SHOULD” indicators. Indicators that are listed as a “MUST” have to be included in a program in order to be approved. Indicators that are listed as a “SHOULD” are strongly recommended.
The induction rubrics have four possible ratings for each indicator
- Exceeding: exceeds the criteria in that area
- Meeting: meets the criteria in that area
- Developing: evidence of partial implementation of the criteria
- Not Meeting: no evidence of that indicator in current practice
Note that there is no minimum score for an approved program. Program reviewers take a comprehensive look at each induction program along with plans for improvement. This process is intended to facilitate reflection on current practices and areas for growth. Most programs will have a mixture of ratings within any given section. There is no score threshold to meet in order to be an approved program.
Review Process
Typically induction program reviewers are a combination of CDE staff and induction leaders from across the state. Each program application receives at least two reviews, with a third review if there are areas of disagreement. Each reviewer provides feedback on each section of the rubric and accompanying narrative, focusing on any concerns and highlighting areas of excellence. Then the reviewer provides a recommendation of “pass” or “improvement needed” based on a holistic review of the application. Feedback is then compiled and shared with the program leaders. If a program needs improvement, the CDE Educator Development team discusses with the program leaders any concerns and areas for growth. (Program leaders may resubmit an application if it is not approved.) If a program is “approved,” program leaders will receive an approval letter along with feedback from the review team for growth. While the review process typically takes 30-60 days to complete, timelines can vary depending on how many programs apply during a given review window.
Application Process
Program leaders should use the induction rubric to review current practices and consider any necessary changes. When program leaders submit for renewal, they will evaluate their practices on the induction rubric, providing a score for each rubric indicator. They will also submit a 300-word narrative describing their program practices for each section of the rubric: program design, professional development, high-quality mentoring, and continuous improvement.
Induction programs also have the option to submit supporting program documentation such as survey results, program data or an induction handbook. This documentation is not required for program renewal but it can be helpful in providing additional context for reviewers.
Note that separate applications will need to be submitted for any audience you will be providing induction programming for: teacher, SSP, and/or principal/administrator.
Renewal applications are submitted both in a pdf version and in a Google form. Links to the application form will be shared directly with programs that are due for renewal. Questions can be emailed to Educator Development. A Word doc version of the application can be downloaded using the buttons below. Completing the Word version of the application is the first step in completing a renewal.
Frequently Asked Questions
Question: My district provides induction for teachers and SSP’s but our new principals go through an induction program provided by a BOCES. Which form do I submit?
Answer: Providers should only submit the form for programs they actively operate. In this instance, the district would submit the Teacher and SSP forms and the BOCES would submit the Principal/Admin form.
Question: Should we submit additional documentation beyond the induction rubric?
Answer: Reviewers rely primarily on the induction rubric and accompanying narratives to complete their induction review. However, programs may also submit survey results, program data, calendars and/or induction handbooks if desired. Additional documentation beyond the rubric and narrative is optional. This accompanying documentation will only be considered if induction reviewers need additional context for any statements in the narrative or rating within the rubric.
Question: Will our program be rejected if one of the indicators is not in place?
Answer: Not necessarily. CDE reviewers understand the need for support in some of these indicators. It is important that providers are candid about areas needing improvement in the completed rubric. CDE’s Educator Development Team will use this information to plan for future training, resources and other support. As you complete your application, pay attention to the "MUST" and "SHOULD" designations in the rubric. Indicators that are a "MUST" need to be present in some way in order for a program to be approved.
Question: What is the minimum number of points for a program to be approved?
Answer: CDE will not have a minimum score for a program to be approved. The rating element of the rubric is a tool that is intended to be used for self-reflection. Use this tool to identify areas to target for improvement over time and note these plans in the narrative sections. Completed rubrics will be reviewed holistically, and CDE will provide constructive feedback for use in local planning discussions.
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