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Mobility / Stability Statistics
Colorado Mobility and Stability Rates: 2023-2024 Academic Year
These rates have been reported following the guidelines set forth in CCR 301-1 - “Administration of Statewide Accountability Measures for the Colorado Public School System, Charter School Institute, Public School District, and Public Schools."
2023-2024 Average District Rates
- Stability: 90.0%
- Mobility: 10.0%
- Mobility Incidence: 10.6%
2022-2023 Average District Rates
- Stability: 90.1%
- Mobility: 9.9%
- Mobility Incidence: 10.6%
2023-2024 Average School Rates
- Stability: 87.1%
- Mobility: 12.9
- Mobility Incidence: 14.3%
2022-2023 Average School Rates
- Stability: 87.2%
- Mobility: 12.8%
- Mobility Incidence: 14.1%
Data Files
- Summary of 2023-24 Mobility and Stability Release (PDF)
- Workbook Containing District and School Level Data (XLS)
- Mobility and Stability Rates by District and Gender/Race/Ethnicity
- Mobility and Stability by District Instructional Program Service Type
- Mobility and Stability by School and Gender/Race/Ethnicity
- Mobility and Stability by School and Instructional Program Service Type
Special Considerations
- The stability rate and mobility rates provide an analysis of how often students move or remain within a school during a school year. The rates are intended to provide a better understanding of students who remained at a school or district without interruption throughout the school year. Therefore, a student may be considered mobile for a school but not at the district level if they move between schools in a district.
- District level data rates focus on movement into/out of a district or BOCES.
- School level rates focus on movement into/out of a school.
- In lieu of statewide rates, average district and average school rates are used to provide a high level overview of mobility and stability rates across Colorado schools.
Additional Information:
- CDE’s Dropout Prevention and Student Re-engagement office: This office supports programs and strategies that support pro-active and responsive efforts to increase engagement in learning.
- CDE’s Office of Student Supports provides support to districts focused on students and their families who encounter multiple vulnerabilities, including poverty, homelessness, and/or foster care.
- CDE’s Migrant Education Office works to provide equitable resources and outcomes to ensure that all migrant children/youth are postsecondary and workforce ready and that all families are empowered to succeed.
- Data Requests – Visit CDE’s Data Request page
- Additional Questions – email Reagan Ward
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