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Notable Internet Resources from State Government
Updated October 2024
The staff of the State Publications Library, Colorado State Library, is pleased to present this list for educators, librarians and students. Reports, statistics, and other educational information from state agencies are valuable, trusted sources of information that can be used when writing research papers or preparing for debates. While the sites listed below are all available via the Internet, the State Publications Library can help you find publications in printed format, too, deliverable to you via interlibrary loan or your closest depository library.
General Information:
Blog on State Information / Colorado State Publications Library
Weekly entries with research tips on current topics under health, history, outdoors, politics, etc.
Colorado Information and History / Colorado State Archives
Site includes links to 1876 State Constitution, Geography, Governors, historical facts, and much more.
Colorado State Agency Databases / Government Documents Roundtable, American Library Association
An annotated list of free databases produced by Colorado state agencies.
Colorado Talking Book Library / Colorado State Library
Provides free recorded cassettes, Braille, and large-print library materials to eligible readers.
Colorado Virtual Library / Colorado State Library
Links to library catalogs statewide as well as digital photographic collections; kids, parents, and teachers web sites by subjects; and best websites for health, business, etc.
Quick Guide to Colorado Government Statistical Information / Colorado State Publications Library
Web links to state data on topics such as business, crime, health, education, revenue, traffic, etc.
State Demography Office / Department of Local Affairs
Statistics on current, historic, and projected state population plus economic data and race/ethnicity data for counties.
Criminal Justice Reports and Statistics / Department of Public Safety, Office of Research and Statistics
Interactive Dashboards on crime, driving under the influence, and reports on populations in the department of corrections, youthful offender system, parole, probation and community corrections 2002 to present.
General Statistics / Department of Corrections
Statistics statewide on inmate populations, admissions & releases, commitments, youth offenders, and inmate gender, age, and ethnicity.
State Penitentiary Records and History / Colorado State Archives
Includes summary of State Archives holdings in the area of corrections from the 1870's on. Features links to prisoner index, prison records, history of the State Penitentiary, and mug shots.
Youth Corrections Resources and Publications / Department of Human Services, Division of Youth Services
Summary of statewide and regional statistics on juvenile offenders plus reports on commitment and detention programs.
Crime and Courts:
Colorado Crime Stats / Colorado Bureau of Investigation
Interactive database from the Colorado Bureau Investigation. Includes data on hate crime, DUI, violent crime, property crime and motor vehicle theft in Colorado from 2008 to present.
Community Corrections / Colorado Division Of Criminal Justice
Reports and annual statistics on this program
Crime Statistics / Division of Criminal Justice
Facts on violent crimes, incarceration, offenses, adult and juvenile arrest rates.
Educational Resources / Colorado Supreme Court
Provides a general overview of the courts, jury duty, judges' appointments, historical background, and more.
High Tech Crimes / Colorado Bureau of Investigation
Information on types of identity theft, fraud and cyber crime prevention.
Juror Information / Colorado Supreme Court
Provides general information on the jury system and a map of the 22 judicial districts.
Office of Research and Statistics / Colorado Department of Public Safety
Crime Statistics, Correctional Population data, maps and research articles.
Driving Information:
Alcohol and Impaired Driving Program / Department of Transportation
Information on LEAF, sobriety testing, arrest data and traffic safety statistics;
Auto Industry Division & Motor Vehicle Dealer Board / Department of Revenue
Auto related consumer information on topics such as leasing, lemon law, and buying tips.
Driver Education / Motor Vehicle Division
Provides Motorcycle Operator's Handbook, and Colorado Driver Handbook in English and in Spanish plus School Bus Driver and Commercial Driver Handbooks.
Teen Driving / Department of Transportation
Information for teens and parents on driving permits, the Graduated Drivers Licensing (GDL) laws, driving tips, approved drivers education organizations, etc.
Transportation resources / Colorado Department of Transportation Library
Transportation fact books, statistics, surveys and studies.
Dropout Prevention and Student Re-Engagement / Colorado Department of Education
Links to resources for migrant education, Indian education, homeless children, child abuse, service learning, HIV/AIDS, refugees, school violence, etc.
Content Area Standards for Grades K-12 / Colorado Department of Education
Links to standards and suggested grade level expectations by subjects.
Education Statistics / Colorado Department of Education
Facts for the state and for school districts on attendance, home schooling, charter schools, graduation rates, dropout rates, staff statistics and more.
Data Tools / Colorado Department of Higher Education
Historical, institutional, demographic, student enrollment and degree data
Guides to the Colorado Academic Standards / Colorado Department of Education
Family and community guides for grades k-6.
K12 Student Achievement Resources / Colorado State Publications Library
List of selected Internet sites and print publications related to CSAP, No Child Left Behind, Model Content Standards, School Accountability, etc.
My Colorado Journey / Colorado Department of Higher Education
A platform to explore career pathways, with information on work, education and support services.
SchoolVIEW / Colorado Department of Education
Interactive portal for the Colorado Growth Model, and school performance data.
Student Assessment / Colorado Department of Education
Data on CSAP results, schedules, rubrics, and more.
Technology Links / Colorado Department of Education
Reports and resources on access to technology and the impact of technology on student achievement.
Colorado's Energy Resources / Colorado Geological Survey
Facts, maps and background information on coal, natural gas, oil and renewable energy in Colorado.
Environment / Department of Public Health and Environment
Links to information on air quality, drinking water, hazardous materials, etc.
Ground Water Administration and Well Permitting / Colorado Division of Water Resources
Guides and general information about water issues in Colorado, including: the history of water rights; a guide to well permits, water rights and water administration; Colorado Water Courts; and water rights terminology.
Beginners Guide to Colorado Water Rights / Colorado Division of Water Resources.
Hydraulic Fracturing Resources / Northern Plains and Mountains Regional Water Program, Colorado State University
Fact sheets, reports and studies on the use of hydraulic fracturing in Colorado oil and gas exploration.
Library / Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission
Reports, statistics and other information related to oil and gas exploration.
Natural Areas Program / Colorado Parks and Wildlife
Lists native/rare plants, animals, geology, and paleontology located/preserved in the state's natural areas.
Water History / Colorado Water Center, Colorado State University
Brief history of water in Colorado with links to more in-depth information on water rights, surface water, water uses and conservation.
Water Quality / Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment
Updates on the Animas River clean-up, general information on lakes and streams, and drinking water concerns.
Colorado Governors Since 1861 / Colorado State Archives
List of the Governors of Colorado with photos, biographies and party affiliation.
Colorado Legislative Council Research Publications / Westminster Law Library, University of Denver
Reports on a wide variety of topics containing general information and addressing impacts to Colorado.
Colorado Legislators Past and Present / Colorado Joint Legislative Library
Biographies of legislators appointed or elected to the Colorado territorial or state legislature.
Colorado State Seal / Secretary of State
Provides a history, description, and use of the seal.
Current Legislative Session / Colorado General Assembly
Provides access to current session bills, calendars, journals, legislator directory, Session Laws, Colorado Revised Statutes, and much more.
Governor's Page / Office of the Governor
Current governor's links to speeches, executive orders, offices, policies, biography, etc.
Official State Seal, Flag, Motto, Emblems and Symbols / Colorado State Archives
List of official symbols, and links to interesting, in-depth discussions about each symbol's history.
Air Quality Control Commission Reports / Air Quality Control Commission
The "Annual Report to the Public" has descriptions on the major pollutants in the state along with information on the actions being taken to improve air quality. The Air Quality Data Report contains in-depth data and analysis of the conditions measured in the state. Main topics include: air quality, greenhouse gas emissions, ozone reduction, and regional haze.
Colorado Environmental Public Health Tracking / Department of Public Health and Environment
Search environment and health data (Use the drop-down menus to select a topic).
Colorado Hazard Information / Department of Public Safety, Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management
Information about the causes of natural and man-made disasters, what to do in an emergency, and where to seek help in an emergency including biological threats, chemical terrorism, and pandemic influenza. In multiple languages.
Consumer Protection Topics / Department of Public Health and Environment, Division of Environmental Health and Sustainability
Provides information on subjects such as child care facilities, food borne illnesses, product safety, and more.
Health Care in Colorado / Colorado Department of Health Care Policy and Financing
Health and Wellness resources and general health insurance information, with FAQs on the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, Medicaid and other health care initiatives in Colorado.
Health Information Dataset / Department of Public Health and Environment
Access to neighborhood, community, county, and regional health data including births, deaths, population, and behavioral risk factors.
Health Topics / Department of Public Health and Environment
Links to information on diseases, programs, health issues, etc. from adolescent health to medical marijuana to zoonotic diseases.
Marijuana - Public Health Information / Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment
Current and research-based information for those who want to learn more about marijuana and the laws in Colorado.
Rabies in Colorado / Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment
General information about rabies, educational materials, and statistics.
Rocky Flats Program / Hazardous Materials and Waste Management Division
Includes facts, status report to the public and a link to superfund information.
Sexually Transmitted Infections and HIV / Disease Control and Environmental Epidemiology Division
Includes statistics, facts, and profiles of cases reported yearly.
50th Anniversary of the National System of Interstate and Defense Highways / Department of Transportation
Origins and history of the U.S. Interstate System with a focus on interstate highways in Colorado.
Architects of Colorado / Colorado Historical Society
Biographical series focusing on architects and landscape architects who practiced professionally in Colorado after 1860.
Builders of Colorado / Colorado Historical Society
Biographical series focusing on engineers, builders, developers, contractors and manufacturers who practiced professionally in Colorado after 1860.
Colorado's Historic Newspaper Collection / Colorado Digitization Program, Colorado State Library
Access articles from Colorado newspapers dating from 1859.
Guide to Colorado's Historic Architecture and Engineering / Colorado Historical Society
Photos and descriptions of 45 styles represented in the state from pioneer log to foursquare to early high rise/commercial.
Hispanic History Resources / History Colorado
History of Hispanics in Colorado - from the Ancestral Puebloans through today with biographies, bibliographies and more.
Outdoors and Wildlife:
Colorado Avalanche Information Center / Department of Natural Resources
Facts, statistics, and educational information.
Colorado Climate Center / Colorado State University
Weather and water data, drought resources, historical weather events, trains students to be weather observers, etc.
Colorado Scenic Byways / Colorado Department of Transportation
Shows and describes routes through the statewide scenic areas.
Colorado State Parks Information / Colorado Parks and Wildlife
Provides maps and detailed information about each state park.
The Cryosphere: Where the World is Frozen / National Snow and Ice Data Center - University of Colorado
Listing of Endangered, Threatened, and Wildlife Species of Special Concern / Colorado Parks and Wildlife
This web site lists the species' common name, scientific name, and status, plus many have links to further description of the species.
Wildlife in Colorado / Colorado State Publications Library
Resource list of Internet sites and print information about wildlife, wildlife protection, and the impacts on wildlife.
Social and Mental Health:
Information from the Division of Child Welfare regarding abuse, foster care, adoption, health, etc.
Kids Count / Annie E. Casey Foundation
Several state agencies contribute to this statistical database tracking the health and welfare of children.
Office of Behavioral Health / Department of Human Services
Links to information on programs for alcohol and drug abuse, supportive housing and the homeless, state psychiatric hospitals, etc.
Suicide Prevention and Intervention / Department of Public Health and Environment
Risk factors, statistics, and program activities including the Community Based Suicide Prevention Plan.
For further information regarding these sites or any state government information, please contact:
Colorado State Publications Library
Colorado State Library
Colorado Department of Education
180 Sheridan Blvd.
Denver, CO 80226-8101
voice: 720-955-5230
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