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ELAT Data Decision Making for Instructional Leaders - BOY, MOY

Taking Action with Data at Beginning of the Year

Course Objective:

Effectively use DIBELS Next Data to make instructional decisions as modeled through a look into school level data

Module 1: Use of the Cycle of Inquiry to make Decisions

Module 2: Analyze and Identify Patterns of Need in the Data

Module 3: Strategize and Act Based on the Identified Pattern of Need

Taking Action with Data at Middle of the year*

*View the BOY Course above before viewing this course

Course Objective:

Effectively use DIBELS Next Data to make instructional decisions as modeled through a look into school level middle of the year (MOY) data

Module 1: Review Results for the Cycle of Inquiry initiated at BOY

Module 2: Analyze and Identify Patterns of Need in MOY Data

Module 3: Brainstorm/Evaluate Strategies to Address the Pattern of Need

Module 4: Implement the High-Impact Strategy