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CDE takes seriously its obligation to protect the privacy of student Personally Identifiable Information (PII) collected, used, shared, and stored. PII will not be collected through the School Bullying Prevention and Education Grant Program. All program evaluation data will be collected in the aggregate and will be used, shared, and stored in compliance with CDE’s information privacy and security policies and procedures (PDF).
Opt-in procedures must be documented and followed as part of the grant program. In accordance with rule, grantees are required to implement an active opt-in procedure for parents and students for any surveys used as a part of the grantee’s program. This means that parents/guardians must sign a document stating that they agree to allow their child to complete the assessment. CDE has developed a guidance document (PDF) that provides an example of what this opt-in signature form may look like. Active opt-in procedures also include ensuring students are knowledgeable that surveys are voluntary and not required. CDE has developed a guidance document (PDF) that provides an example of what this language may sound like.
Note: Grantees should always follow their district procedures for obtaining opt-in approval and CDE guidance forms should not serve as a replacement for what a district already has in place.
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