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Family Engagement Promising Practices Training Materials

SAC/DAC Training Materials

The purpose of this training is to understand the basic responsibilities and composition of School Accountability Committees (SACs) and District Accountability Committees (DACs).

The session agenda included:

  • Strategies to recruit, prepare and sustain productive participation on SACs and DACs
  • Suggestions about how to collaborate with key stakeholders
  • Time to share promising practices and challenges about SAC and DAC responsibilities and composition

Informational Materials

Training Activities

  • SAC and DAC PowerPoint (.pdf) 
    The PowerPoint is available to share with other stakeholders interested in gaining strategies to support accountability committees in their schools and districts.
  • SAC and DAC Inventory (.pdf) 
    This activity provides accountability committees the opportunity to identify their progress on completing their responsibilities.  Committees can identify whether they are emerging, progressing, or excelling for each responsibility.

To receive more information about SAC/DAC trainings or these resources, contact Darcy Hutchins at or 303-866-5921.

Family Engagement Promising Practices Training

The purpose of the Family Engagement Promising Practices Training is to help schools and districts implement comprehensive, sustainable partnership structures for student success. The four components of this structure are:

  • The Framework of the National Family-School Partnership Standards
  • Distributed Leadership
  • Action Planning
  • Evaluation

Informational Materials

Training Activities

  • Starting Points Inventory (PDF)
    This inventory, based on the National Standards, can be used in a number of ways to help plan, implement, and evaluate partnership initiatives.
  • Reaching Results for Students (PDF)
    This activity helps school and district personnel to plan goal-oriented partnership structures. District and school staff are encouraged to work with parents to reach results for students around the National Family-School Partnership Standards.
  • Family, School, and Community Partnering Team Tracker (PDF)
    This Team Tracker helps school personnel identify which teams within the school building already address family engagement goals and requirements.
  • Action Team for Partnership Structure (PDF)
    Based on resources from the National Network of Partnership Schools at Johns Hopkins University, this activity page will be useful for schools that decide to form an Action Team for Partnerships in their school.
  • Family Engagement Policy Critique (PDF)
    State and federal statute requires that school districts adopt and implement a family engagement policy. This activity page includes considerations for successful policy drafting, implementation, and evaluation.
  • One-Year Action Plan for Partnerships (PDF)
    Based on resources from the National Network of Partnership Schools at Johns Hopkins University, this action plan template can help schools organize family engagement around major improvement strategies. This resource is intended as a planning guide and is not meant to replace the Unified Improvement Plan.
  • Family, School, and Community Partnering Data-Based Action Plan (PDF)
    This is another template that schools and districts may use when planning, implementing, and evaluating partnership activities for student success. This resource is intended as a planning guide and is not meant to replace the Unified Improvement Plan.


To receive more information about family engagement trainings or these resources, contact Darcy Hutchins at or 303-866-5921.