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Existing Induction Programs

Existing Induction Programs

The CDE Educator Development team is proud to provide a variety of professional development and technical support options for existing Colorado induction programs.  

Vision: Every new educator, leader and special service provider participates in high-quality induction that supports their transition into the profession and their development as a professional educator committed to student success.

News: 2024-2025 Induction Support Opportunities

Induction PLC is back for the 24-25 school year! Learn more and sign up via this Google form. If you have ideas for support options that you'd like to see, please reach out to Educator Development.

Induction Webinars

Please reach out to Educator Development with ideas for future webinars and speakers.

Webinar Recordings

The links below are an archive of previous webinars for induction providers.


The publications below are provided for the support of existing Colorado induction programs.

Induction Program Applications

Provided for planning purposes. Renewing programs will provided with a link for their renewal application. Initial program applications may email this application to Educator Development.

Mentor Resources


Please reach out to Educator Development.