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Financial Transparency

About the Public School Financial Transparency Act

Section 22-44-300, et. seq., C.R.S.

With the passage of HB 10-1036 (PDF), The General Assembly enacted the "Public School Financial Transparency Act", which directs local education providers to post financial information on-line, in a downloadable format, for free public access.

Pursuant to HB 14-1292 (PDF), the Financial Policies and Procedures Advisory Committee of the Department created templates included below for use by local education providers needing assistance with the on-line posting of the information specified.

Timeline for Compliance

  • All documents must be posted or updated within 60 days after completion or receipt of the applicable report, statement or document.
  • Prior two budget years' financial information shall be maintained on-line, in a downloadable format, for free public access, until the end of the current budget year.

Financial Transparency for Colorado Schools Website

Additional Resources
