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Links to State Information by Subject
Compiled by the Staff of the Colorado State Publications Library (CoSPL), Denver, Colorado
- Search the CoSPL Online Catalog
- QUICK Colorado Information
- General Overview
- Business and Economics
- Corrections
- Education
- Environment
- Government
- Health
- Housing
- Colorado History/Genealogy
- Legal
- Libraries
- Natural Resources
- Permits and Licenses
- Social/Human Services Programs
- Travel/Tourism
- Birth, Death, and other Vital Records - Vital records information and request forms
- Census Topics - Data on population, housing, and race/ethnicity plus county profiles
- Colorado Emblems and Symbols - State seal, flag, motto, state bird, etc.
- Statistics - Listing by subject of statistics available from Colorado State Government
- Tax Information - Forms for all types of taxes and electronic filing
- Colorado History - Links to 1876 State Constitution, biographies of notable Coloradans, subject list of Colorado history books, the Spanish-Mexican Land Grants, quick historical facts and firsts, and much more
- Colorado Homepage - Searchable web site of state agencies and related information
- Colorado State Agency Databases
An annotated list of free databases produced by Colorado state agencies
- Business Resource Guide - Assists businesses with regulatory information
- Business Records - Searchable database of records plus electronic filing
- Colorado Business Information - Online services and information for businesses
- Economic Development - Assistance for small businesses, minorities, women, etc. in business start-up
- Economic Reports - Economic and revenue conditions and projections plus budget reports from the Colorado Legislative Council
- Inflation - Current and historic CPI (inflation) figures
- Key Industries - Profiles of the major industries in Colorado from the Office of Economic Development and International Trade
- Online Business Filing - Secretary of State's Office document filing and searchable database services
- Web Guide for Business and Economic Information - Links to state agencies dealing with businesses plus lists of print reports
- Colorado Crime Statistics - Yearly statistics on crime and arrests reported by law enforcement agencies
- Juvenile Justice System Flowchart (PDF)
- State Penitentiary Records/History - Summary of State Archives holdings in the area of corrections from the 1870's on, plus featured hot links to prisoner index, prison records, history of the State Penitentiary, mug shots
- Statistics - Statewide data on adult inmates, sex offenders, and youth offenders
- Assessment - Student testing (CSAP) results
- Colleges and Universities - Web pages for 2 and 4-year institutions
- Colorado Department of Education
- Colorado Education Statistics - statistics on pupil membership, graduation, dropout rates, attendance, and individual school district data.
- Education Directory - School districts, charter schools, organizations, etc.
- Financial Transparency for Colorado Schools
- Funding - information from the School Finance Unit of the Colorado Department of Education
- Grants - State and federal aid for educators
- High School Equivalency/GED Information
- My Colorado Journey - a platform to explore career pathways, with information on work, education and support services.
- Occupational Schools - lists of schools from bartending to trucking
- Policy Rules and Laws
- Safe Schools/Youth Violence - links to resources in the areas of safe schools, bullying, and youth violence prevention.
- School District Revenues and Expenditures - spending and salary information by school and school district.
- SchoolView Interactive portal for the Colorado Growth Model, and school performance data.
- Standards - Colorado standards and sample curriculum
- Air Quality Today - from the Air Pollution Control Division of the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment.
- Colorado Department of Natural Resources
- Colorado Division of Water Resources
- Colorado Energy Office - facts on energy sources in Colorado, and energy efficiency.
- Environment Information - fact sheets on a wide variety of topics from the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment.
- Recycling Information and Statistics
- Water Rights and State Water Resources - a "quick guide" from the State Publications Library.
- Wildfire and Drought Information - Links to web sites for state agency information on fire and drought.
- Census Topics - Data on population, housing, and race/ethnicity plus county profiles
- Colorado Governors since 1861 - List of the Governors of Colorado with photos, biographies and party affiliation
- Employment Resources - Finding employment, labor information, unemployment, and workers' compensation
- Legislative Directory - How to contact state senators and representatives and committee members
- State Legislature - Current bill information, session laws, ballot issues and capitol building tour
- Telephone Directory - Employee and agency telephone/email listings
- Consumer Protection Topics - Provides information on subjects such as child care facilities, food borne illnesses, bioterrorism, product safety, and more
- Health Facilities Information Center - Information/listings including hospitals, clinics, etc.
- Health and Environmental Data - Links to data on child health, cancer, divorce, etc.
- Suicide Prevention and Intervention - Suicide hotline numbers, information on suicide prevention, and statistics.
- Colorado Emblems and Symbols - State seal, flag, motto, state bird, etc.
- History Colorado (Colorado Historical Society)
- Colorado State Archives
- Denver Public Library/Western History Department
- Historic Newspaper Collection - digitized newspapers from as early as 1861 from all around the state
- Colorado Foreclosure Hotline - 1-877-601-HOPE a free service for Colorado homeowners who have questions about their home loans
- Colorado Housing and Finance Authority - classes on budgeting, home equity and adjustable rate loans
- Division of Real Estate's Consumer Resources - basic information about appraiser and real estate transactions and regulation, and to assist the public in making informed decisions about transactions
- Birth, Death, and Other Vital Records - Vital records search and applications forms
- Colorado Revised Statutes - Laws in searchable format
- Colorado Supreme Court Library - Services of this legal library open to the public
- Court Forms Online - Print forms for adoption, domestic, eviction, probate, etc.
- Juror Information - Provides general information on the jury system and a map of the 22 judicial districts
- Rules and Regulations - Colorado Code of Regulations from the Secretary of State
- Stop Fraud Colorado - from the Consumer Protection section of the Colorado Attorney General's Office
- Tax Information - Forms for all types of taxes and electronic filing
- Tenant and Landlord Rights - information to help avoid or resolve rental housing disagreements
- Colorado Talking Book Library - Provides FREE recorded cassettes, braille, and large-print library materials to eligible readers.
- Colorado State Publications Library - central clearinghouse for state agency electronic and print resources
- Colorado Supreme Court Library - Services of this legal library open to the public
- Colorado Virtual Library - a gateway to library resources and news
- Directory of Colorado Libraries - Searchable by library name, location and/or staff.
- Colorado Avalanche Information Center - Facts, statistics, and educational information
- Colorado Water Conservation Board - Water supply and flood protection, ordering floodplain maps, etc.
- Fire and Drought Resources - Links to web sites for state agency information on fire and drought
- Geological Survey - Catalog of publications on avalanches, dinosaurs, geothermal, swelling soils, etc.
- State Parks - Location and activity descriptions for 40 parks
- Threatened and Endangered Species of Colorado - List includes status and species information
- Water Resources - Streamflow data, well permitting, dam safety, water administration, etc.
- Wildlife - Hunting, fishing, education, viewing plus a kid's page
- Bingo/Raffle Licenses - Assistance in how to legally conduct a bingo/raffle activity
- Child Care Licensing Information - Phone contacts for licensing and complaints
- K-12 Teacher Licensing - Information and requirements needed to obtain a Colorado educator license
- Occupational and Professional Licensing - Search licensees from dentists to plumbers
- Private Possession of Wildlife Licensing - Definitions and prohibited species
- Real Estate and Appraiser Licensing - Search company and individual status
Social/Human Services Programs
- Children and Families - Child care and welfare plus youth corrections
- County Departments of Social Services - Listing with contact information
- Economic Security - Programs on the aging, child support, income and food assistance
- Human Services - Links to information on getting assistance for children, families, persons with disabilities, the older population, victims of abuse as well as financial and food assistance. topics from abuse to refugees
- Medicaid - Answers to questions about Medicaid and managed care from Health First Colorado (Colorado's Medicaid Program)
- Veterans Community Living Centers - Central source of information on facilities, admissions, etc.
- Colorado Scenic Byways - Shows and describes routes through statewide scenic areas
- Colorado Tourism Office
- Maps - Street maps for Colorado cities and counties through the Online Transportation Information System.
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