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Overview of Kindergarten School Readiness in Colorado
Welcome & Overview
Welcome to the kindergarten school readiness guide.
This guide will take you approximately an hour to review, depending on the time spent exploring the links embedded throughout.
If you prefer to read the welcome overview, download a transcript here.
If you have any questions or comments, please email Megan.
Assessment: Data-informed Decisions
As a part of an aligned system of public education, school readiness assessments were recognized by the General Assembly as a critical element of aligned assessments continuing from preschool to elementary (C.R.S. 22-7-1002). A clear understanding of the knowledge, skills, and behaviors with which students enter kindergarten provides crucial information for families, communities, schools, and teachers as they support student learning and development.
The kindergarten school readiness (KSR) assessments assess the varying skill levels and knowledge with which students enter kindergarten (C.R.S. 22-7-1002 (2)) and inform individual learning plans for each publicly funded student (C.R.S. 22-7-1014). KSR assessments measure students’ ability to engage with the curricula in kindergarten by identifying baseline data to inform systematic intervention and additional layers of instructional support (Jensen, et al., 2021).
Ready System: Prepared to Meet the Individual Needs of Every Student
Analyzing data from the KSR, other early elementary assessments in a standards-aligned assessment system, and an assessment of early learning needs within a community aide schools and districts in identifying and addressing data trends across multiple data sources and student data over time (Jensen, et al., 2021). These data sources can inform local decisions on instruction, resources, and community partnerships. Additionally, they can guide state-level partnerships and policy decisions to further the support of every child and every school.
Purpose of this Guide
The purpose of this guide is to support the implementation of school readiness in kindergarten as it pertains to statutory requirements in Colorado. Specifically, this guide is intended for those who are new to school readiness or new to school readiness in Colorado. This guide addresses the essential requirements and some best practices but is not intended to be the sole resource for implementing school readiness in kindergarten.
References and Additional Resources
- Jensen, J., Goldstein, J., & Brunetti, M. (2021). Kindergarten Readiness Assessments Help Identify Skill Gaps. WestEd.
- Jensen, J., Goldstein, J., & Brunetti, M. (2021). K-2 Assessment Systems Enable Early Intervention to Foster Student Success. WestEd.
- Kindergarten School Readiness Assessment Timeline
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