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Examples of Tier 2 Practices



Academic Interventions

Interventions in which students are provided instruction on missing academic skills. Because students may try to avoid work because of missing academic skills, teaching them the skills may alleviate use of the undesired behavior(s). 


A structured intervention in which students receive feedback on their behavior at designated times throughout the day. In the morning, they "check in" with a staff member and then receive period feedback throughout the day from their teacher(s). At the end of the day, they "check out” with the staff member from the morning check-in. Also referred to as Behavior Education Program. 

Check and Connect

Students meet periodically with a mentor from school for support and guidance.

Check, Connect, and Expect

A intervention that essentially combines elements from Check In/Check Out and Check and Connect. Students receive a mentor and also follow procedures similar to Check In/Check Out.  

Classwide Interventions

Interventions that are provided to the whole class, yet are designed to target only one or a few students’ behavior.


Students are assigned a mentor (often from outside the school) that provides a positive role model and promotes attachment to school.

Service Learning Programs

Programs in which students participate in community work that also ties in academic learning.

Setting-based Interventions

The setting in which undesired behavior is displayed by a student within is modified, such as using a structured recess or providing unique contingencies during a given setting.

Social Skills/Social-Emotional Learning Interventions

Students are provided instruction in a group setting on certain social skills or social-emotional learning skills.

girl drawing