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Technical Assistance Requirements: Business Office Support
CCSP Technical Assistance Requirements: Business Office Support
The CDE Schools of Choice places great value on providing high-quality support and training based on research proven best practices that are intentionally designed to improve each school’s chance for success. Therefore, participation in technical assistance events is expected of sub-grantees. Flexibility exists within the technical assistance requirements for schools to tailor their selection of trainings to best meet the school’s unique needs. Using the technical assistance requirements as a plan, and grant funds as a resource, schools should self-evaluate and use this opportunity to build capacity. A training request form must be completed and submitted to CDE Schools of Choice at PRIOR TO any individualized training for pre-authorization, and credit will be issued once the authorized training request form is resubmitted with reflections on professional development gains from the training.
Click here to view a downloadable version of the CCSP grant technical assistance requirements for Planning Year O, Implementation Year 1, and Implementation Year 2.
Business Office Support in Planning Year
- Business Managers Network Meetings (4 held annually) - 1 Required
- Specialized Business Office Training (schedule individually) - 1 Required
Business Office Support in Year 1 Implementation
- Annual Finance Seminar (1 held annually) - Required
- Business Managers Network Meetings (4 held annually) - 3 Required
- Specialized Business Office Training (schedule individually) - 3 Required
- CDE Individualized Business Technical Assistance (schedule individually) - Encouraged
- Business Operations Mentor - Encouraged
Business Office Support in Year 2 Implementation
- Annual Finance Seminar (1 held annually) - Required
- Business Managers Network Meetings (4 held annually) - 3 Required
- Specialized Business Office Training (schedule individually) - 3 Required
- CDE Individualized Business Technical Assistance (schedule individually) - Encouraged
- Business Operations Mentor - Encouraged
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