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University of Northern Colorado
Program Description
EDCLD 513, Introduction to Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Education for Practicing Teachers: UNC’s ELL Educator Professional Development offering is delivered in the form of one three-credit graduate level course. Within 45 instructional contact hours and additional hands-on assignments directly related to the participants’ real teaching situations, the program addresses all CDE ELL educator preparation standards for licensure renewal requirements. The course emphasizes effective instructional practices that empower K-12 classroom teachers to support English Language Learners’ to be more successful in school. The course will be delivered on-line for all Colorado teachers. If there are specific needs regarding delivery formats from school districts, UNC Extended Campus will be willing to accommodate. The successful completion of the course may be counted towards certain graduate programs at UNC.
Open to all educators
Initial course tuition is $350/teacher. This rate may increase after Spring 2020.
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