CDE will be closed on Monday, Jan. 20 for the Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday.
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Center Consolidated School District 26JT
Program Description
Participants who complete the Center Consolidated School District 26JT CLD 45 hour PD program will be issued a single certificate to submit with their license renewal application. Completion of each of three 15-hour courses will equal the 45 hours. Participants will also have the option of receiving 1 graduate credit per course from Adams State University.
Course #1 Language Acquisition, Access, and Opportunity for the CLD Student Population: This course is designed to facilitate the use of major theories, concepts, and research related to culture, diversity, and equity to support language acquisition, language development, academic access, and opportunity to learning as related to the Common Core State Standards to ensure the learning of all students with a focus on the Culturally and Linguistically Diverse student population. Teachers will learn to effectively utilize research-based teaching strategies to support the requirements and needs of all students in their classrooms. This course is targeted for teachers in K-12, special education, literacy programs, math programs, gifted and talented classrooms, instructional coaches, and principals.
Course #2 Assessments to Support Learning for the Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Student Population: This course is designed to facilitate the use of progress monitoring, formative assessments, and summative assessments as related to the Common Core State Standards to ensure the learning of all students with a focus on the Culturally and Linguistically Diverse student population. Teachers will learn to effectively utilize progress monitoring as well as formative and summative assessments to support the requirements and needs of all students in their classrooms. This course is targeted for teachers in K-12, special education, literacy programs, math programs, gifted and talented classrooms, instructional coaches, and principals.
Course #3 Strategies and Materials for the CLD Student Population: This course is designed to facilitate the implementation of research-based strategies along with the selection of materials to aid in English language and content learning as related to the Common Core State Standards to ensure the learning of all students with a focus on the Culturally and Linguistically Diverse student population. Teachers will learn to effectively utilize research-based teaching strategies and materials to support the requirements and needs of all students in their classrooms. This course is targeted for teachers in K-12, special education, literacy programs, math programs, gifted and talented classrooms, instructional coaches, and principals.
The above courses will be delivered face-to-face by an approved instructor. Participants will attend two full-days (Fridays) from 8:00 am - 4:30 pm for each of the three courses.
All educators
Free for district employees.
$50 per course for out-of-district educators
Required for Completion
Participants must complete all 3 courses to receive a certificate of completion.
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