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Colorado Christian University
Master of Education in Educational Leadership - Licensure
The Master of Education (M.Ed.) in Educational Leadership degree addresses the need for teacher leaders, administrators, and principals in public, charter, online, and private schools to possess conceptual and procedural knowledge that is critical for leading today’s schools. This graduate degree is designed to provide professional development for current and aspiring educators and school professionals who already have an established teaching role and are seeking additional leadership skills. The Master of Education in Educational Leadership degree uses the Interstate School Leaders Licensure Consortium (ISLLC) standards and the Colorado Principal Quality standards throughout the curriculum to address the six core standards and dispositions necessary to promote best practices in the field. The Master of Education in Educational Leadership has the option of either licensure or non-licensure track. All courses, with the exception of internship, may be offered online or on-site. Internship coursework requires a site-specific commitment.
Graduates who satisfactorily complete all requirements of the Master of Education in Educational Leadership with Licensure track in the program may apply to the Colorado Department of Education for a principal license. Candidates also meet the requirements for certification by the Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI).
Pathway Type:
Initial Licensure: Masters
Course Format:
In Person, Online
13-24 months
Region(s) Served:
Contact Information:
Visit Program Website
: Colorado Christian UniversityEndorsement Area(s):
- Principal
To request a change to this program pathway, copy the following pathway reference id and submit a change request form.
Pathway Reference ID: 65026
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