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Educator Effectiveness Legislative Update: Senate Bill 22-070 Overview

Senate Bill 22-070 Overview

Senate Bill 22-070, the Kindergarten through Twelfth Grade Licensed Personnel Performance Evaluations Act, updates and refines educator evaluation in Colorado. Implementation of this statute will occur in the 2023-24 school year. To view this legislative update in PDF form, click here.      

The following is offered as a general overview and includes opportunities for educators to participate in a variety of stakeholder activities during the rulemaking and implementation processes. Specifically, S.B.22-070 directs CDE to develop and provide guidance and support for the following areas:

  • Update the composition of final effectiveness ratings
    • Shift the FER percentages from 50% professional practices and 50% measures of student learning/outcomes to 70% professional practices and 30% MSL/MSO.
  • Refine/update aspects of the MSL/MSO portion of an educator’s final effectiveness rating, including:
    • Collective measure(s) within the MSLs/MSOs cannot exceed 10%.
    • Collective measure(s) within the MSLs for teachers and principals can only use data based on the performance of students enrolled at their school.
    • Any educator who is new to a district/BOCES cannot have data from before they were employed used in the collective measure(s) of their MSL/MSO.
  • Develop and make available an evaluation pathway and process for educators rated Highly Effective for three consecutive school years
  • Develop and make available new rubrics for licensed personnel in a limited number of specialized teacher or principal roles
  • Develop and require training for evaluators of licensed personnel – training to be provided or approved by CDE
  • Adjust the timing for reporting of final effectiveness ratings (FERs)
    • Requires that all FER data is reported to CDE annually by Oct. 15, i.e., FER data will no longer be collected within the HR data collection.
    • For the 2022-23 school year, the new Staff Evaluation Snapshot to collect FER data will open in the spring of 2023 (due Oct. 15th, 2023). Additional details will be forthcoming.

NOTE: There are additional areas addressed within S.B.22-070 that already exist within current statute and State Board Rule, e.g., encouraging districts/BOCES to work with their Advisory Personnel Performance Evaluation Council (1338 Council) and experiment with innovative methods of observation. In coming guidance, the Educator Effectiveness Office will reinforce opportunities and encouragement for local decision making and flexibility.

Opportunities for Stakeholder Input

There are currently numerous opportunities for stakeholders to provide input and insights in support of the development of content and guidance outlined within S.B.22-070, as well as the State Board of Education rulemaking process. Ongoing opportunities are identified below, and additional opportunities will be shared as they become available.

Public Comment in the Rulemaking Process

Public Comment on Rulemaking

CDE is seeking public comment on revisions to the Rules for the Administration of a Statewide System to Evaluate the Effectiveness of Licensed Personnel Employed by School Districts and Boards of Cooperative Services, 1 CCR 301-87.

To access a copy of the draft rules and to submit feedback, go to the Educator Talent Rules Feedback webpage. Feedback via the submission form will be accepted through March 31st, 2023. Written comments may also be provided via through April 7, 2023.

For additional information, please visit the Educator Talent – Policy Update webpage.

Focus Groups - Round 2

A second round of Focus Groups ran from mid-February though early April and provided opportunities for interested stakeholders to participate in the preparation and planning for implementation of S.B. 22-070. Sessions focused on either the Highly Effective Evaluation Process or one of the new draft rubrics for specialized roles.

Work Groups

Work Groups were specialized small group committees dedicated to the development of specific aspects of S.B. 22-070, such as new rubrics and the Highly Effective Evaluation Process. Work Groups met between late November 2022 and mid-January 2023.

Focus Groups - Round 1

A first round of Focus Groups ran from late September through October 2022 and provided participants with an opportunity to learn and offer general feedback around the newly passed legislation. ​

Stakeholder Survey

The S.B. 22-070 Educator Effectiveness Stakeholder Survey was open for responses from educators across Colorado through Sunday, Oct. 2. 2022.


Contact your Educator Effectiveness Regional Specialist for support and more information, or email