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Colorado's Work-based Learning Continuum - Alt Text
Colorado's Work-based Learning Continuum
Work-based learning is a continuum of activities that occur, in part or in whole, in the workplace, providing the learner with hands-on, real world experience.
Outcomes include Skilled Talent for Business + Meaningful Careers for Students & Job Seekers.
On the "education coordinated" end of the continuum:
Learning About Work
Career awareness and exploration helps individuals build awareness of the variety of careers available and provides experiences that help inform career decisions. These include:
- Career Counseling
- Career Planning
- Career Fairs
- Career Presentations
- Industry Speakers
- Informational Interviews
- Mentoring
- Worksite Tours
- Project-based Learning
In the middle of the continuum:
Learning Through Work
Career preparation supports career readiness and includes extended direct interaction with professionals from industry and the community. These include:
- Clinical Experiences
- Credit-for-work Experiences
- Internships
- Pre-apprenticeship
- Industry-sponsored Project
- Supervised Entrepreneurship Experience
On the "business led" end of the continuum:
Learning At Work
Career training occurs at a work site and prepares individuals for employment. Training may include:
- Apprenticeship
- On-the-job Training
- Employee Development
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