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News Release - Computer-based SAT recommended for Colorado's college entrance exam starting in 2024
March 13, 2023
Computer-based SAT recommended for Colorado's college entrance exam starting in 2024
DENVER - A committee of educators and administrators recommended College Board's adaptive computer-based suite of assessments, which include the SAT and PSAT, be selected as Colorado's college entrance exam beginning in 2024.
Statute requires the Colorado Department of Education seek competitive bids for the college entrance exam every five years. The process was delayed a year due to the pandemic. A selection committee of teachers and administrators from urban, rural, and suburban districts across the state met to evaluate the bids and recommended College Board continue as the state's vendor with its new computer-based SAT and PSAT exams for the end-of-the-year assessments for ninth through 11th graders in Colorado beginning in 2024.
The computer-based exams would replace the current paper-based exams that will be administered for the last time this spring. The selection will become official after the conclusion of the procurement process, which includes a 10-day waiting period.
More information on Colorado’s spring 2024 administration of the new computer-based PSAT and SAT exams will become available by September after the official award and contract negotiations have been completed.
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