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News Release - State Board of Education reviews progress at Adams 14 School District
March 9, 2023
State Board of Education reviews progress at Adams 14 School District
DENVER – At its monthly two-day meeting, the Colorado State Board of Education heard an update from Adams 14 School District about its progress in improving student academic achievement.
The state board requested the district and its improvement partner TNTP report on progress at least twice per year. This is the second update provided by the district for this school year. During the presentation, the district described the strategic plan recently approved by its board and the work at Central Elementary to implement its innovation plan and adopt a community school model providing wraparound support for students and community engagement activities.
Teacher Preparation Programs Authorized
The board authorized Colorado School of Mines’ plans to begin offering traditional teacher preparation programs in math for grades 6-12, science for grades 7-12 and computer science for grades kindergarten through 12.
The board also reauthorized PEBC's alternative teacher preparation program in all areas except early childhood and elementary education, which were conditionally approved. During the review of these two program areas, CDE determined teacher candidates should have deeper learning in emergent reading strategies. PEBC will return to the state board for full reauthorization by the end of the 2023 calendar year and demonstrate full implementation of scientifically based reading instruction throughout different courses for these programs.
Timeline and schedule announced for reviewing Colorado Academic Standards
Commissioner Katy Anthes announced the timeline and schedule for the statutorily required review of the Colorado Academic Standards. Statute requires the board to review and approve each content area in the standards every six years. The board approved revisions to the social studies and arts standards in 2022, and districts are required to implement the revisions in the 2024-25 school year.
The second set of standards to be reviewed will include computer science, English language proficiency, physical education and world languages. CDE staff will begin the process later this spring by comparing the standards to national and international benchmarks. After reviewing this report on the benchmarks, the board will determine the extent to which these standards should be updated. If the board determines revisions are necessary, a process will be created with stakeholder engagement to review and recommend updates to the board. The board will review and approve the standards by June 2024, and districts must implement the updated standards by the 2026-27 school year.
The third set of standards to be reviewed will include math; reading, writing and communicating; science, and comprehensive health. The same process for reviewing these standards will begin in spring 2025, with approval by the board by June 2026. Implementation will be required in the 2028 school year.
Executive search firm selected
The board selected McPherson & Jacobson, LLC, to support the process of selecting the next education commissioner. In December, Katy Anthes, commissioner since May 2016, announced she is resigning in July. The board issued a request for proposals for a search firm in January, and it reviewed proposals in executive sessions earlier in March. Interviews with the firms were conducted during executive session today before the board voted on the finalist.
The board anticipates entering into a contract with McPherson & Jacobson, LLC following a statutorily required waiting period of 10 business days for any potential protests.
In other actions, the board:
Delayed a vote on rulemaking until April to gather more stakeholder feedback about aligning rules of the Exceptional Children’s Educational Act with requirements of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. The proposed rule change is in part a response to House Bill 22-1294 that would have established a dispute resolution process applicable to administrative units, preschool providers and local coordinating organizations.
Approved technical changes to the Rules for the Development Expansion Implementation and Management of the Regional Service Areas, 1 CCR 301-7. Amendments align the rules with requirements from HB 22-1294, allowing charter school networks and collaboratives to be designated as administrative units for the purpose of providing special education services to students with disabilities.
Voted to support HB 23-1207 which extends stipends for National Board Certified Teachers to math educators, school librarians and social workers. The bill also increases stipends for educators who teach in rural areas.
Approved applications for multi-district online schools submitted by:
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