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Colorado Kids with Brain Injury
Welcome to Colorado Kids with Brain Injury!
This website serves as a tool for educators, school administrators, school psychologists, related services professionals, community partners, and families to help support our kids in Colorado with brain injuries. The design of this website was funded through a community grant from MINDSOURCE Brain Injury Network within the Colorado Department of Human Services and is maintained by the Brain Injury Consultants at the Colorado Department of Education.
Educators and Professionals
This site is designed to provide educators and professionals with practical information that can be used to identify and provide appropriate services to children with a brain injury. The following information is located within this section.
- TBI Identification Protocol: Information and documents related to how to identify a student with a traumatic brain injury.
- Manual: This will connect you with the Brain Injury in Children and Youth: A Manual for Educators which includes information on neuroanatomy, developmental stages, assessing functional behavior, learning implications and intervention strategies as they relate to youth with a brain injury.
- Building Blocks: The Building Blocks of Brain Development framework aligns the typical impacts of brain injury, a wide range of suggested assessment tools, and intervention strategies for students with acquired brain injury.
- Concussions in the School Setting: Provides information on Colorado legislation, resources and the Concussion Guidelines Manual.
Providing parents with information on services that are available for their child as well as information on how to access support.
Parents and Families
Join Our Brain Injury Listserv
Join our listserv to receive information on upcoming events.
To subscribe:
- Get ready to send an email.
- At the “To” prompt in an email message type the email address and send the message.
- You will receive a confirmation email. You will not be added until you respond to this email.
- If you have a problem, try using “plain” text or check with the technology people in your district.
To unsubscribe:
- Get ready to send an email.
- At the “To” prompt in an email message type the email address and send the message.
- In the body of the message write, “unsubscribe TBI.”
- You will automatically be unsubscribed.
Education Request
Request education or training on brain injury for your organization, school, office etc.
Youth Brain Injury Connections
Support services for families of youth (0-21) who have sustained a brain injury.
For more information, please contact:
Jody Dickerson, RN, BSN, MN
Brain Injury Specialist
Phone: (720) 795-2273
Email Jody Dickerson
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