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1 Year Substitute Authorization Requirements

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. How can I find a job as a substitute teacher in Colorado?

  2. How long will it take to process the renewal of my Substitute Authorization?

  3. How do I renew my 1-year substitute authorization?

  4. Is the 1-year substitute authorization also called an "emergency substitute" authorization?

  5. Am I required to turn in another fingerprint card and fingerprint fee if I have already held a Colorado license or authorization?

  6. Can I fax or mail an application to CDE?

  7. Will the 1-year substitute authorization cover any specific endorsement area or grade level?


1. How can I find a job as a substitute teacher in Colorado?

School staffing is the responsibility of each Colorado school district.  Please contact districts directly regarding job openings.  You can view districts based on region by selecting links on the Colorado School District Regional Map.  Job openings are regularly posted through the CASE Job Center, Connecting Colorado, K12 Spot and Unified Talent SchoolSpring.  Visit the Colorado Teaching Jobs webpage for more information.

2. How long will it take to process l of my application for a substitute authorization?

Typically, it takes approximately 2-4 weeks from date of receipt to process a complete substitute authorization application.

3. How do I renew my 1-year substitute authorization?

If you are within 6 months of expiration, you will be able to complete a new 1-year substitute authorization application via your COOL account.

4. Is the 1-year substitute authorization also called an "emergency substitute" authorization?

No, CDE does not issue an "emergency substitute" authorization.

5. Am I required to turn in another fingerprint card and fingerprint fee if I have already held a Colorado license or authorization?

As long as your Colorado license or authorization has not lapsed, you will not need to submit another set for CDE licensure purposes at this time. Your employer, however, may require you to submit fingerprints for employment. Please contact their human resources office.

6. Can I fax or mail an application to CDE?

No, all applications must be submitted via your COOL account.  Hardcopy applications are neither accepted nor available.

7. Will the 1-year substitute authorization cover any specific endorsement area or grade level?

Substitute authorizations are valid for K-12 classrooms, but are not issued with specific endorsement areas and are only valid in the district that chooses to recognize it. Placement of substitute teachers is the responsibility of the Colorado school district that will be employing you.



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