CDE will be closed on Monday, Jan. 20 for the Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday.
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Archive - Commissioner Communications - 2023
Archive - Commissioner's Communications - 2023
- Nov. 30 - Zearn Math
- Oct. 26 - Updates on rulemaking, CMAS and CoAlt
- Sept. 29 - Statewide Chronic Absentee Data
- Sept. 21 - Second chance for DonorsChoose and survey
- Sept. 8 - Survey on CDE supports and resources
- Aug. 25 - DonorsChoose
- Aug. 18 - Happy New School Year
- July 31 - Universal Preschool Update
- June 30 - Welcome Letter
- March 13 - High School College Entrances Suite of Assessments Procurement Award
- March 6 - Update on ECEA State Board Rules
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