CDE will be closed on Monday, Feb. 17 for the Presidents Day holiday.
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Winter Regional Networking Meetings - 2025
The Federal Programs and Supports Unit (FPSU) invites you to our upcoming Regional Network Meetings (RNM). The purpose of these RNMs is to build understanding of Comprehensive Needs Assessments (CNA) and how to use a CNA to plan ESEA funds. The RNM will share updated guidance from the Family, School and Community Partnerships office and the US Department of Education. Lastly, the RNM will provide time to network with other LEAs to learn more about the Consolidated Application process and implementation.
LEA staff or school leaders who support the development of the Consolidated Application or manage federal programs are encouraged to attend. FPSU is hosting two virtual RNM sessions, please choose the session that best aligns with your schedule.
Dates and Times:
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