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2015-2016 ESEA Virtual Academy Archives
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New Directors Series
Title I, Part A Basics:
- November 5, 2015 - Title I ensures all children have a fair, equal and significant opportunity to obtain a high-quality education. Colorado receives more than $140 million each year to meet the needs of at-risk students in schools with high concentrations of poverty. Learn how the USDE and CDE allocate Title I funds to districts and BOCES and how the money is distributed to schools. Staff will present different types of Title I programs, options for services to students and the role of parent involvement, as well as evaluation and reporting requirements.
Webinar Recording | PowerPoint | Rank Order PowerPoint
Title I, Part D Basics
- December 9, 2015 - This session will provide an overview of Title I-D, basic program requirements, administrative year-at-a-glance, and CDE supports. New directors in districts that do not have neglected or delinquent facility schools can forego this session as part of the New Directors Series. An overview of the data collection requirements for this program will be provided.
Webinar Recording I PowerPoint
Title III, Part A Basics:
- November 24, 2015 - This session will provide an overview of Title III-A, basic program requirements, administrative year at a glance, and CDE supports. This session will also cover basic program requirements of the Immigrant Set-Aside.
Webinar PowerPoint I Title III Year at a Glance
Title VI, Part B Basics:
- December 7, 2015 - This session will provide an overview of Title VI-B, basic program requirements, administrative year-at-a-glance, and CDE supports. This session will also cover additional considerations for rural districts receiving Titles I, II, and/or III funds. Therefore this session is recommended for any rural districts whether or not they receive Title VI, Part B funds. New directors in urban and suburban districts will not need this session as part of the New Directors Series.
Webinar Recording I PowerPoint
Title III and ESSA
- May 26, 2016- This session will provide an overview of Title III programs, as well as the changes and updates to Title III as a result of the reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act in December 2015.
Webinar Recording I PowerPoint
Best Practices Series
Promising Practices to Increase High School Graduation of English Learners:
- December 10, 2015 - Office of Culturally & Linguistically Diverse Education
PowerPoint I Presenter PowerPoint
English Learner Migrant Students
- Thursday, February 11, 2016
Instructional Support and Services for ELs with an IEP
- March 10, 2016 - Hosted by the Office of Culturally & Linguistically Diverse Education
Webinar Recording I PowerPoint
Re-designation and Exit from ELD Service
- May 12, 2016- Hosted by the Office of Culturally & Linguistically Diverse Education
Webinar Recording I PowerPoint
Accountability Series
Addressing Human Capital Needs in Struggling Schools
- Tuesday, March 22, 2016 - This session will cover ESEA requirements for addressing human capital needs in struggling schools, including the Priority Performance Challenge Set-Aside in Title I and targeting Title II funds to Priority Improvement and Turnaround Schools. In addition to accountability-based program requirements, this session will also familiarize participants with tools and supports available for improving the capacity of all educators to meet the needs of all students in these struggling schools.
Data and Reporting Series
- December 2, 2015 - This session will provide an overview and instructions for completing reporting requirements related to the requirement that Title I schools receive services that are at least comparable to services in schools that do not receive Title I funds (Sec.1120A(c)(1)).
Webinar Recording * I PowerPoint * I Comparability Respondent Form I Comparability Alternative Calculator
* Fictitious school data was used in this webinar
Statewide Evaluation of Title I, Part A Supplemental Educational Services (SES) Providers
- January 7, 2016 - This session will provide an overview of the findings from CDE’s evaluation of the effectiveness of SES programs and providers throughout the state. SES is a program wherein district Title I funds are set aside to provide tutoring to students at no expense to the student.
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