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(1) Assessment Administration
Can you clarify which assessments are considered "Language" tests per the assessment policy?
"Language" assessments include the TABE language test for ABE learners and CASAS Life and Work Listening and BEST Plus 2.0 for ELLs.
Do I need to re-test a learner who starts a new Period of Participation (PoP)?
Per the Assessment Policy, an assessment is valid for the program to place a learner as long as it has been administered in the last three months. If the learner is entering a new PoP, the program does not need to re-test a learner if the learner was administered a valid assessment (pre or post-test) in the last three months. That said, the program does have the option to re-test the learner before three months has lapsed if there is reason to believe that the results of the student’s last assessment is no longer viable for instruction, placement or planning purposes. Instructions on reporting assessments for new Periods of Participation can be found in the LACES Data Dictionary.
- If the locator/appraisal indicates a level on which the learner was tested on both alternate test forms within the past 6 months, contact your AEI Program Coordinator with the LACES Student ID and locator results. Katelyn will determine if the AEI Office can permit the learner’s last assessment to be pushed forward or if the learner may be same form tested.
- If the locator/appraisal indicates the same level but an alternate form is available that hasn’t been administered to the learner in the last 6 months, use the alternate form.
- If the locator/appraisal indicates a different level, test on that level.
- Use the score on the learner’s last test and the test publisher’s guidance to determine if the learner can be tested on a different level test or wait until 6 months passes to test the learner on a same form.
- If the learner indicates they plan to leave the program, the grantee may contact their AEI Program Coordinator with the LACES Student ID.
Is there a requirement to pre-test pre-literate learners in accordance with the assessment policy?
The "Pre- and Post- Test Requirements" section of the Assessment Policy states that "All learners must be pre-tested at initial intake and each new Period of Participation (PoP)."
Pre-literate learners are not an exception to this requirement. AEI must ensure learners are placed in classes based on a standardized assessment to ensure equity in placement across programming and for the tracking of Educational Functioning Level (EFL) gains. CASAS guidelines allow programs to skip the administration of the appraisal if the learner scores below a particular threshold in the oral and writing screening.
It is important to note that as long as these learners meet eligibility requirements1 of Title II of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), they are eligible to receive services under these funds, but they must be tested before receiving instruction.
Do I need to re-test a learner who scores out-of-range?
Per the Assessment Policy, “Learners must be re-tested if the learner scores out-of-range on a test.”
In order to ensure that students are given the opportunity to have their skills and needs properly defined; AEI compiled the following information from CASAS and TABE test publishers.
TABE 11/12 out-of-range scores
Please refer to the table below to determine when a scale score is out-of-range. The “Low” numbers below indicate that a student should be retested on a lower level if scale score is at or below this number. The “High” numbers below indicate that a student should be retested on a higher level if scale score is at or above this number.
Level/Form |
Reading Low |
Reading High |
Math Low |
Math High |
Language Low |
Language High |
11L | N/A | 500 | N/A | 495 | N/A | 510 |
12L | N/A | 500 | N/A | 495 | N/A | 510 |
11E | N/A | 535 | N/A | 536 | N/A | 546 |
12E | N/A | 535 | N/A | 536 | N/A | 546 |
11M | 441 | 575 | 453 | 595 | 459 | 583 |
12M | 441 | 575 | 453 | 595 | 458 | 583 |
11D | 500 | 616 | 500 | 656 | 512 | 630 |
12D | 500 | 616 | 495 | 656 | 513 | 630 |
11A | 537 | N/A | 536 | N/A | 550 | N/A |
12A | 538 | N/A | 540 | N/A | 548 | N/A |
Level/Form |
Reading Low |
Reading High |
Math Low |
Math High |
Language Low |
Language High |
11L | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A |
12L | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A |
11E | N/A | 535 | N/A | 536 | N/A | 546 |
12E | N/A | 535 | N/A | 536 | N/A | 546 |
11M | 441 | 575 | 453 | 595 | 458 | 583 |
12M | 441 | 575 | 453 | 595 | 458 | 583 |
11D | 500 | 616 | 496 | 656 | 511 | 630 |
12D | 502 | 616 | 495 | 656 | 513 | 630 |
11A | 538 | N/A | 539 | N/A | 550 | N/A |
12A | 538 | N/A | 536 | N/A | 547 | N/A |
Can the assessment administrator watch a test administration via video camera in another room?
The publisher does not recommend this and this practice is generally not allowed from AEI’s perspective. Contact your AEI Program Coordinator about your particular circumstance to see if an exception can be granted.
Is it allowable for a test administrator to leave the room and go to other test sessions?
This is generally not allowed. Contact your AEI Program Coordinator about your particular circumstance to see if an exception can be granted.
What sort of documentation is needed from partners when accepting a test they administered?
Make sure to get a release of information form from the student. Then collect the scores if the paper-based version was administered or an online printout if the students test scores if the test was administered online. Receive an assurance in writing that the partner agency adhered to the requirements for administering a test outlined in the assessment policy.
1Per WIOA Section 203(4), an eligible individual has attained 16 years of age; is not enrolled or required to be enrolled in secondary school under State law; and who is basic skills deficient; does not have a secondary school diploma or its recognized equivalent, and has not achieved an equivalent level of education; or is an English Language Learner.
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