Colorado Department of Education

Performance Frameworks - Performance Indicators

Arvada K-8 (0109)

ARVADA, CO 80002

(Half Day Kindergarten - Grade 8)

District: Jefferson County R-1 (1420)
Number of Schools in District: 160
View School List

Selected Report Year: 2023
Rating: Improvement Plan
Performance Watch Status: Not on Performance Watch
Rating Source: Rating based on 1-Year Performance Report

Selected Report Year: 2022
Rating: Improvement Plan: Meets 95% Participation
Performance Watch Status: Year 4 On Watch
Rating Source: Revised 1-Year Report Rating: Not based on Framework Points Earned

Selected Report Year: 2019
Rating: Priority Improvement Plan: Meets 95% Participation
Performance Watch Status: Year 4 of Priority Improvement or Turnaround
Rating Source: Rating based on 1-Year Performance Report

Selected Report Year: 2018
Rating: Turnaround Plan: Meets 95% Participation
Performance Watch Status: Year 3 of Priority Improvement or Turnaround
Rating Source: Rating based on 1-Year Performance Report

Selected Report Year: 2017
Rating: Turnaround Plan: Meets 95% Participation
Performance Watch Status: Year 2 of Priority Improvement or Turnaround
Rating Source: Rating based on 1-Year Performance Report

Selected Report Year: 2016
Rating: Priority Improvement Plan
Performance Watch Status: Year 1 of Priority Improvement or Turnaround
Rating Source: Rating based on 1-Year Performance Report

Performance Indicator Ratings

Official ratings are based on student outcomes on key performance indicators: Academic Achievement, Academic Growth, and Postsecondary & Workforce Readiness. Districts and schools earn points for each key indicator, and then points are combined to determine the overall percentage of points earned. The State Board of Education defines cut-points for accreditation ratings based on the overall percentage of points earned on the performance framework. Districts and Schools are assigned ratings as displayed by the triangles in the graphics below. The colored lines beneath the respective triangles indicates the possible ratings with score ranges.

Performance Indicator Ratings - (2023)

1420 Arvada K-8 (0109) All Grade Levels EM 2016 1-Year School Academic Achievement Does Not Meet 25.0%
1420 Arvada K-8 (0109) All Grade Levels EM 2016 1-Year School Academic Growth Approaching 46.6%
1420 Arvada K-8 (0109) All Grade Levels EM 2017 1-Year School Academic Achievement Does Not Meet 25.0%
1420 Arvada K-8 (0109) All Grade Levels EM 2017 1-Year School Academic Growth Does Not Meet 32.4%
1420 Arvada K-8 (0109) All Grade Levels EM 2018 1-Year School Academic Achievement Does Not Meet 25.0%
1420 Arvada K-8 (0109) All Grade Levels EM 2018 1-Year School Academic Growth Does Not Meet 37.0%
1420 Arvada K-8 (0109) All Grade Levels EM 2019 1-Year School Academic Achievement Does Not Meet 25.0%
1420 Arvada K-8 (0109) All Grade Levels EM 2019 1-Year School Academic Growth Approaching 48.6%
1420 Arvada K-8 (0109) All Grade Levels EM 2022 1-Year School Academic Achievement Does Not Meet 25.0%
1420 Arvada K-8 (0109) All Grade Levels EM 2022 1-Year School Academic Growth Meets 64.8%
1420 Arvada K-8 (0109) All Grade Levels EM 2023 1-Year Report School Academic Achievement Does Not Meet 33.9%
1420 Arvada K-8 (0109) All Grade Levels EM 2023 1-Year Report School Academic Growth Approaching 53.4%

Find out how achievement, growth and postsecondary and workforce readiness measures work together to create the overall ratings and what these mean for schools and districts.