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Principal/Administrator Stakeholder Course Review
Principal/Administrator Coursework Review Stakeholder Process
The CDE Early Literacy and School Readiness team would like to thank the incredibly dedicated Principal/Administrator Stakeholders for their time and feedback on all aspects of the principal/administrator coursework development process!
In June of 2023, The Elementary Literacy and School Readiness team announced a stakeholder opportunity for school leaders to participate by taking the 5-hour or 20-hour course and act as a “secret shopper” to give direct input on the usability and content within the Read Act School Principal/Administrator Course options.
Due to a strong application pool, the final stakeholder team consisted of 42 members including representatives from all eight regions in the state with experience levels ranging from first-year principals to 10+ years experience. In addition to enrolling in these course options and completing the coursework by the beginning of November, these members filled out response sheets for all modules and resources to give honest and open feedback on the value and relevance of the content. All feedback was shared weekly with CDE staff and the PCG vendor and adjustments and edits were made based on their user experience.
2023 Principal/Administrator Stakeholder Roster
Click link above to view membership by region
Stakeholders were asked to share objective, clear, actionable and timely feedback on the Science of Reading (SOR) Principal/Administrator Course in order to:
Provide input that is specific to practitioners' point-of-view and experiences of enrolling and participating in the science of reading course for school leaders
Share feedback on content such as, but not limited to; clarity, organization, alignment to the Principal Quality Standards and relevant to school leaders
Influence the course content design so it can serve as a valuable toolkit to administrators at all levels of experience as they work toward becoming strong science of reading instructional leaders
Offer insight to CDE and the Professional Consulting Group (PCG) on the affordances and/or constraints on how the course is designed, usability of the platform and/or the type of content that is included
Ensure feedback is shared with CDE and PCG in a timely manner, meeting all deadlines
Click here to learn more about the Stakeholder Review and Revision Process
Final Stakeholder Coursework Feedback Results
After completing all modules in either the 5-hour or 20-hour course options, members filled out feedback forms on all modules including the pre-assessment and final assessment sections. Overall, these stakeholders reported that they agree or strongly agree with the content included in the coursework. Areas that received lower ratings were based on technical issues such as broken links or platform navigation issues. All feedback was shared with the Professional Consulting Group that addressed items the stakeholders flagged for improvement. Click this link to review the overall feedback results of their review process
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