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International Response

UNOG Observes Day of Reflection on Rwanda Genocide.

UNOG Observes Day of Reflection on Rwanda Genocide.

Propaganda and Conflict: Evidence from the Rwandan Genocide

Details on the Rwandan genocide also including details applicable to genocides in general.  This paper investigates the role of mass media in times of conflict and state-sponsored mass violence against civilians. We use a unique village-level dataset from the Rwandan Genocide to estimate the impact of a popular radio station that encouraged violence against the Tutsi minority population. The results show that the broadcasts had a significant impact on participation in killings by both militia groups and ordinary civilians. 

Shake Hands with the Devil: The Failure of Humanity in Rwanda

This book is a memoir of General Romeo Dallaire. Dallaire was a Canadian peacekeeper sent by the UN as commander of the peacekeeping effort in Rwanda a few months before the genocide in 1994.  The book discusses the events of the Rwandan Genocide, the role of the United Nations, and failure of the world community to address the horrors in Rwanda. ISBN: 0786715103

Univ. of Minnesota: Holocaust and Genocide Studies/Rwanda

Great resource that covers the background, events, and aftermath of the genocide and provides a plethora of links to additional information and resources

When Victims Become Killers: Colonialism, Nativism, and the Genocide in Rwanda

Author Mahmood Mamdani takes a deep dive into the social, political, environmental, cultural, and economic factors that led to the Rwandan Genocide. ISBN-10 : 0691102805

USC Shoah Foundation: Resources for Teaching About the Genocide in Rwanda

An amazing resource for educators that provides information, access to witness testimony, as well as lesson plans for students in 6-12th grade.

Collective Responsibility & the International Community in the Rwandan Genocide

This lesson looks at various international organizations and sovereign states and their action or inaction during the Rwandan Genocide. Students, in groups, analyze primary and secondary source documents and determine what, if any, responsibility or blame should be assigned to the various parties.

The Extermination of a Nation: The Genocide in Rwanda

This is a Document Based Question lesson plan that helps students improve their document analysis skills while at the same time evaluating the events and effects of the Rwandan genocide.