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Q: When will funding be approved?
A: The State Board of Education must approve our recommendations. This is scheduled to occur at their January 11th and 12th meeting. Following that we will be able to issue those final approvals.
Application Questions
Q: I’m missing a signature on my program assurance form. Will my application be denied?
A: We do not want you to hold up your application submission while waiting on signatures. Signatures do not have to be complete prior to submission but must be in place before final approval can be awarded.
Q: Regarding required signatures, Board President for districts that are authorizers & required to be fiscal for charters are usually the school district board, not the charter board. If that is our process, I assume we follow that for the assurances?
A: Yes. We try to give some leeway to districts as far as what their own internal process is. As long as we get one signature (board president or authorized representative) just to let us know that the district is aware of the application and approves of it moving forward, we will accept that.
Q: Can I provide additional information to my narrative such as links to reports or other data sources?
A: Your narrative is limited to 10 pages. Please do not provide appendices or other attachments in your application. If you can, please avoid linking to outside sources in your narrative. Reviewers are not obligated to click through links or any other information outside of your narrative.
Q: What does UEI stand for?
A: Unique Entity Identifier.
Q: Will the online application save my progress?
A: No. The online application form does not save your work in progress. We recommend that you fill out the information in a separate document and copy your answers in when you’re ready to complete in one sitting.
Q: Is this a supplemental grant to the SHPG?
A: No. This is a completely separate federal opportunity that is reimbursement based.
Q: Are Indirect Costs Allowed?
A: Yes. This is a vast difference between the State SHPG and this federal reimbursement opportunity. Indirect costs generally cover overhead costs (rent, utilities, management of the grant such as an accountant) of administering the grant program. If applicants elect to claim their indirect cost, they will need to indicate how they intend on spending those funds.
It is your responsibility to track indirect costs and request reimbursement. They are not automatically added to your costs. If charging indirect costs to this grant feels too challenging, you may choose to opt-out of charging indirect costs.
Q: What Indirect Cost Rate are we allowed to use?
A: The Restricted rate set by CDE is found on the website. Use the “Indirect Cost Rates 22-23” excel document at the bottom of the webpage.
Q: What are examples of backup documentation to be requested with the general ledger?
A: Every time you submit a request for funds, Grants Fiscal will review a detailed general ledger. After the initial general ledger review, they are required to request a sample of backup documentation for up to 20% of those funds requested. This would be timesheets, invoices, receipts, and employee reimbursement forms for mileage or travel costs.
Q: Would teacher PD for DEI initiatives be an allowable expense?
A: Yes. Professional Development is an allowable expense as long as it is tied to the goals of the grant.
Q: Can we submit an application for supplies, contracted services, and PD, but no FTE included in the budget?
A: Yes. We highly recommend that you use these funds for innovative training, contracted services, and supply costs.
Q: Does supplanting of general funds apply to these federal funds?
A: Yes. Funds must not supplant federal, state, local, or federal funds
Q: Can grant be utilized for staff stipends due to PD outside of school time contracts?
A: Yes.
Q: Is there any time extension for contracted services?
A: One of the pots of money has language that states if the funds have been obligated, therefore written into a contract, at the school level, there is the ability to extend the use of those funds through December 2026. We want to be careful with contracts because the federal government will want to see the contracts and know what work is being done. This option is only for contracts.
Q: The Budget Workbook allows you to select Year 1 or Year 2. Does it matter the order we put expenses?
A: For organizational purposes, we would prefer you keep Year 1 expenses together before moving on to Year 2.
Q: How do we do revisions on the Budget form?
A: This form is just for the RFA, your initial application. Your grant budget revisions will come available at a later date, just like the state SHPG.
Q: Can the funds be used to continue paying for already hired school counselors, school nurses, and school psych salaries?
A: While Salary costs are allowable, we highly recommend the continued use of your State SHPG funds - and the upcoming State SHPG application - for those Salary costs. We highly recommend that you use these funds for innovative training, contracted services, and supply costs.
For staff that are already employed through SHPG, you cannot take something that is funded at the state level and move it to the federal. We suggest leaving salaries on the state SHPG and look to fund those with the next round of SHPG funding.
Q: Does the SHPG grant count as matching funds?
A: No. You cannot use state SHPG funds as a match for federal funds. Further, you cannot use federal funds as a match for state funds.
Q: Is it allowable to split a position between two schools?
A: Yes this is allowable. It is not best practice and it is not recommended in a short time period such as this but it is allowable.
Q: This is a program question, but are contractors allowed for the school health professional positions, or does it need to be FTE for this grant?
A: Yes. Contractors are allowed under this federal grant. Check with your district to ensure this is allowable.
Q: Can I charge administrative costs?
A: Yes. Administrative costs are allowable, though they must be justified. This amount cannot be more than 15% of your total amount. For example, if you have a grant manager (or someone that provides allocable support to this grant), you can put in for reimbursement of 15% of their salary. This is above and beyond indirect costs. E.g. if you have a $100,000 salary, you can have no more than $15,000 going to administrative support of this grant.
Q: Can a district apply for multiple schools in one application?
A: Yes. Applicants can be a school district, a board of cooperative services (BOCES), a charter school authorized by a school district, or a charter school authorized by the Charter School Institute. Districts can select multiple schools in one application.
Q: Can my school submit a standalone application?
A: Charter schools can submit a standalone application apart from their authorizer. They will need to work with the authorizer to know they are applying and will sign the program assurance form. Applicants cannot be individual non-charter schools outside of their school districts.
Q: Can current schools on the SHPG be included in the new cohort?
A: Yes. These are new federal reimbursement funds- not state SHPG. Applicants that have received funds from this grant program in previous years or applicants who currently are funded from this grant program may apply for the current funding opportunity, however, applicants who do not currently have funding will be given priority consideration in the funding decision process.
For applicants that currently have funding from the School Health Professional Grant Program, the expectation is that the application narrative will include references to that award, where applicable. Applicants should demonstrate ongoing and improved capacity in the program (including expanded or augmented grant activities) and describe those grant priorities that have improved their infrastructure to address students' behavioral health needs.
Note: Part of the letter of intent is asking applicants whether or not they have state SHPG funds and to let us know where you are at in spending that down. That response will impact the decision on the amount of funding you get out of the federal program.
Q: The cap is $100,000 per school or per district?
A: For applicants who are currently funded out of the state SHPG program, there will be an annual award cap (including indirect costs) up to, but not exceeding, $100,000. The $100,000 is per applicant. Applicants can be a school district, a board of cooperative services (BOCES), a charter school authorized by a school district, or a charter school authorized by the Charter School Institute. Applicants cannot be individual non-charter schools.
Q: Is there any chance the $100K annual cap for already awarded SHPG districts might change or be eliminated?
A: Grants Fiscal and the SHPG team at CDE made this decision with the understanding that the funds will overlap with the state funds. Because the allowable activities are so similar, apart from indirect costs, we want to be mindful of creating a large carryover.
Q: If I am a grantee who has the STATE SHPG grant currently and I'm capped at $100K annually, does that $100K need to include the ICR amount or is that additional/on top of the $100K annual request?
A: The annual award cap includes indirect costs.
Q: Is the award $100,000 funding cap for current SHPG grantees for each year of the grant or can we have minimal expenses in year 1 and $100k in year 2?
A: No. If you feel like you have more need in one year than another, feel free to ask for that. We want to encourage you to ask for what you need and will spend.
Q: Are you going to look at any difference in the cap for a single school that has an SHPG grant (for instance one charter) vs. a district that has the grant & might be supporting multiple schools with those funds?
A: The $100,000 is per applicant. Applicants can be a school district, a board of cooperative services (BOCES), a charter school authorized by a school district, or a charter school authorized by the Charter School Institute. Because the allowable activities are so similar, apart from indirect costs, we want to be mindful of creating a large carryover.
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