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FSCP Essential Element- Design Capacity Building Opportunities
Essential Element Definition:
Capacity building opportunities for staff and families promote shared leadership about educational outcomes for children and youth. Self-assess with the following:
- How do you use the context expertise of families to better your content expertise?
- How are you utilizing the assets of your families in your programs/schools?
- How are you using FSCP as a school improvement strategy?
Essential Element 2: Design Capacity-Building Opportunities
- Constatino Changing Practices and Procedures
- Constatino "We tried that syndrome"
- Family Guide: Helping Your Child Succeed
- How Successful School Improvement Plans Prioritize Culture and Climate
- Colorado Department of Education Accountability Committee Resources
- Colorado Department of Education Academic Standards Parent Guides
To visit this Essential Element's Promising Partnership Practices, click the icon to the right.
Promising Partnership Practices are collected practices from schools and districts about working with families for student learning.
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