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Spanish for Libraries

Language Access

Colorado State Library encourages our libraries to provide resources, materials, services, and education for their community members irrespective of languages spoken or read. Guidance for language access at your library can be found at the link for Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) on the federal government's Limited English Proficiency Language Access Plans webpage. 

Materials for Libraries

Demographics & Population Research 

Collection & Acquisition of Spanish-Language Materials

Read-aloud Materials for Non-English Speakers

Creating Spanish-Language Materials

Services and Programming for Hispanohablantes/ Spanish-speakers

Language Interpretation/ Translation Services 

Colorado-based Document Translation with Library Experience

Organizations & Partners

Español for Library Folx 

Español for Library Folx is an eight-week language learning community and conversation circle for library staff in the state of Colorado, hosted by Colorado State Library. This community is not a Spanish language course, nor is it intended to substitute for formal Spanish language instruction. It is intended for beginning to intermediate Spanish speakers or speakers with basic conversational fluency who work in library spaces and want to learn and practice Spanish contextualized for library work. Cohorts meet weekly over an eight-week period to learn and/or practice terms and phrases relevant to library work and library spaces. Sessions will provide the opportunity for peer-learning and practice in a non-judgmental, supportive space. 

The program will include:

  • Hour-long sessions once weekly for eight weeks via Zoom 
  • Support for accessing and utilizing Spanish language learning materials
  • Basic vocabulary for: Customer Service, Getting a Library Card, Circulation, Events, Reference, Technology
  • Opportunities to practice basic library service-centered Spanish with other learners in library contexts

Fill out the 2025 Español for Library Folx Interest Form to ensure I get your name and contact information if you are interested in participating in the upcoming cohorts. 

Vocabulary Resources

Additional Language Learning Materials

Adult Library Services Consultant

Cristy Moran (she/ her/ ella) is the Adult Library Services Senior Consultant at the Colorado State Library and is eager to consult with and support you in program development and facilitation, outreach, finding resources, assessment and evaluation, and collaborating with community partners. She is a librarian, an educator, an instructional designer, and an information literacy specialist who has worked in libraries and education for over 15 years. In supporting all Colorado libraries (including public, academic, and special libraries), Cristy's role can best be described as the adult services librarian’s librarian for Colorado. 

Cristy Moran

Cristy Moran

Adult Library Services Senior Consultant
Colorado State Library
201 E. Colfax Ave, Room 309
Denver, CO 80203
Phone: 720-926-2159
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