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School Nursing and Health - School Nurse Basics
Getting Started
Welcome to School Nursing in Colorado!
This webpage is designed to give school nurses an overview of foundational resources used in Colorado School Nursing Practice.
Tips to Help You Get Started:
- Bookmark the School Nursing and Health Home Page for quick reference.
- Join the School Nurse Listserv - This is how important information on trainings and updates in school nursing are emailed to Colorado School Nurses.
- View Trainings for New School Nurses. We provide trainings throughout the year for new school nurses including an annual School Nurse Orientation in July and an an On-Demand Introduction to Colorado School Nursing online course to help you get started.
- Review the Resources for Getting Started below.
- Review CDE Special Service Provider Licensure information below.
- Sign up for CIIS (Colorado Immunization Information System) to access immunization records.
- View the Medication Administration Training information and register to become at trainer by joining the CCHC Hub to access forms.
- Contact a CDE School Nurse Specialist for any questions! We are here to help!
Resources for Getting Started
School Health Office Manual
Following are a collection of key documents and links to content found throughout the School Nursing and Health website for quick reference.
Colorado Guidance Documents
- Colorado Medication Administration Guidelines
- CDPHE Infectious Disease in Child Care and Schools Guidelines and How Sick is Too Sick in multiple languages (exiting CDE)
- Colorado Emergency Guidelines for Schools (2022 PDF)
- Vision Screening Guidelines: K-12 (Jan 2016 PDF)
- Hearing Screening Guidelines (June 2017 PDF)
Important Links to Explore
- Immunizations
- Individualized Health Care Plans
- Special Education/ IEPs/ 504s
- Data Reporting
- Training Tools, including Nursing Procedures
- Mandatory Reporting/ Child Protection
- Child Care Health Consultation - if you service preschools or child care
- Student Health Services Fact Sheet
- Recommended First Aid Equipment and Supplies for Schools (page 69 of Emergency Guidelines for Schools)
Legal Information
- Essential School Health Services (2022 PDF) - identifies which services are mandated
- Rules and Regulations Governing Schools in the State of Colorado (6 CCR 1010-6)
- Colorado Rules for Administration of Medications (1 CCR-301 68)
- Colorado Nurse Practice Act / DORA (Exiting CDE)
- Chapter 13 - Rules and Regulations Regarding the Delegation of Nursing Tasks (3 CCR 716-1, start on page 81)
- CPR requirements
Professional School Nursing
School Nurse Licensure
Initial Special Service Provider (SSP) License
New school nurses must apply with the Colorado Department of Education for an Initial Special Service Provider License. Registered Nurses with an active RN license may apply.
- Requirements for Special Service Provider Endorsement as a School Nurse
- Associate's or higher degree in nursing
- A valid RN license to practice in Colorado pursuant to the Nurse Practice Act (12-255-101, et. seq., C.R.S.) or a valid mulit-state license and able to practice in Colorado pursuant to the nurse licensure compact (24-60-3802, C.R.S.)
- Important Note: Registered nurses must maintain an active DORA license to practice nursing in Colorado in addition to the CDE-issued special services license/school nurse. Those holding multi-state licenses issued by another state must apply for a Colorado DORA-issued RN license within 60 days, as per the Nurse License Compact.
Why do I need a Special Service Provider License from CDE if I already hold a Registered Nurse License through DORA?
School nurse services are services provided by a qualified school nurse. Per the Exceptional Children's Educational Act (ECEA) Rules March 2016, 1 CCR 301-8, 2.37(3)(m), all related services personnel providing services to children with disabilities shall hold Colorado special services licenses or certificates with appropriate endorsements.
How do I apply for a Special Service Provider License?
- Application Process for Special Service Provider License
- CDE Licensing Office home page
- For questions about licensure requirements or the application:
- Submit Licensing Support Requests Form
- Call 720-739-3304
Phone hours: 8:30am to 4:30pm, Monday to Friday
Advancing from Initial SSP license to Professional SSP license
The Initial SSP license expires in 3 years. Prior to expiration, the school nurse will need to apply for a Professional SSP license.
- The initially licensed school nurse must participate in an approved induction program.
- To advance from an Initial SSP license to a Professional SSP license, you will need a certificate verifying completion of an induction program specific to the license you wish to advance (ie, Special Service Provider with School Nurse endorsement).
- Induction programs are provided by your school (public, private or charter), Charter School Institute, or BOCES.
- Per 1 CCR 301-37 8.2, the induction program must include a process for the selection and training of mentors and for the matching of mentors with inductees, so contact your induction coordinator to be assigned a mentor.
Resources for Induction Coordinators and Mentors
- SSP Quality Standards Rubrics - including school nurse rubric
- CDE Induction Programs
- SSP Induction Program Rubric (PDF)
- CDE School Nurse Mentor Program Sample Documents - These forms are provided as samples and are not required to be used in a mentor program.
- Mentor Program Contact Log (2022 PDF)
- Mentor Program Goals (2021 PDF)
- Essential School Health Services (2022 PDF)
- Optional Mentor Training Series
School Nursing Practice
- Educator Effectiveness - State Model Evaluation System for Special Service Providers
- Code of Ethics for Nursing Practice (Available for Purchase from ANA)
- Standards of School Nursing Practice (For purchase from NASN)
- Colorado Nurse Practice Act (Exiting CDE)
- Colorado Educator Licensing Act of 1991 CCR 301-37 (Exiting CDE)
- Rules for the Administration of Educator License Endorsements 1 CCR 301-101 (Exiting CDE)
- Colorado Registered Nurse Licensure: Colorado Board of Nursing (Exiting CDE)
- Optional Certification: National Board for Certification of School Nurses Nationally Certified School Nurse (NCSN)
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