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Green Mountain High School (Jefferson County School District)
Canon City High School (Fremont County RE-1 School District)

Colorado school districts are developing innovative ways to prepare students for careers or college after high school. Green Mountain High School's academy model was adapted by Canon City High School.


Green Mountain High School was losing students to other nearby high school when school leaders developed a new model that provided smaller learning communities within a school. Students choose academy pathways within the academies.

Canon City High School principal Bill Summers learned about Green Mountain’s academy program and decided to try something similar at his school, while adding a robust internship program that lets students try out several different career opportunities throughout the small town.

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  • Community Engagement
  • Innovation


Green Mountain High School Principal Colleen Owens discusses how she worked with the community to develop the school’s innovative academy program.


Canon City High School Principal Bill Summers talks about how he adapted Green Mountain’s academy program to fit his small, rural school.

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