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Caring School Community (formerly Child Development Project)
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Caring School Community (formerly called the Child Development Project) is a whole-school program aimed at promoting positive youth development. Designed for elementary schools, the program attempts to promote prosocial values, improve academic achievement, and prevent drug use, violence, and delinquency by encouraging collaboration among students, staff, and parents. Caring School Community includes four components designed to be implemented throughout the year: 1) Class Meetings, which promote communication and decision-making between teachers and students to improve the classroom climate; 2) Cross-Age Buddies, which pairs classes of younger and older students for academic and recreational activities to facilitate supportive relationships across ages; 3) Homeside Activities, which include parent-child activities completed at home that complement and reinforce the program's school components; and 4) School-wide Community-Building Activities, which include a variety of activities designed to engage parents in the school environment and to link parents and their children to the greater community. (Source)
Washingnton State Institute of Promising Practices benefit-cost report (rated: Promising)
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