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Title I Targeted Assistance Programs
Title I, Part A Targeted Assistance Programs
The purpose of Title I, Part A of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) of 2015 is to ensure that all children have a fair, equal, and significant opportunity to obtain a high-quality education and close the achievement gap between high- and low-performing children, especially the achievement gaps between minority and nonminority students, and between disadvantaged children and their more advantaged peers.
A Title I, Part A targeted assistance program is designed to help eligible children meet the Colorado English Language Proficiency (CELP) and Colorado Academic standards (CAS) which may include programs, activities, and academic courses necessary to provide a well-rounded education.
Program Requirements and Eligibility
A targeted assistance program is designed to provide extra educational assistance beyond the regular classroom to at-risk students, identified as having the greatest need for special assistance. The program must provide an accelerated, high-quality curriculum and minimize the removal of children from the regular classroom during regular school hours for instruction. In addition, the progress of eligible children must be reviewed on an ongoing basis and the program should be adjusted as necessary.
To be eligible, the student must be 21 or younger and not yet at a grade level at which the local educational agency provides a free public education. Eligible students are children identified by the school as failing, or most at risk of failing, to meet the Colorado English Language Proficiency (CELP) and Colorado Academic standards (CAS) on the basis of multiple, educationally related, objective criteria established by the local education agency and supplemented by the school. Children from preschool through grade 2 shall be selected solely on the basis of criteria, including objective criteria, established by the LEA and supplemented by the school. Eligible students must be served in rank order of need, irrespective of grade span. In addition, the following students are automatically eligible: children who participated in Head Start or Even Start program within two years, migrant, neglected, delinquent, or students experiencing homelessness.
Use of Funds
Title I funds in a Targeted Assistance Program shall serve participating students by
- Additional targeted interventions for identified students
- Using methods and instructional strategies to strengthen the academic performance of eligible students through activities, which may include:
- Expanded learning time, before- and after-school programs, and summer programs
- A schoolwide tiered model to prevent and address behavior problems, and early intervening services, coordinated with similar activities and services carried out under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act.
- Providing professional development with resources to teachers, principals, other school leaders and paraprofessionals who work with eligible children
- Implementing strategies to increase the involvement of parents of eligible children
- Providing services to assist preschool children in the transition from early childhood education programs such as Head Start, the comprehensive literacy program under subpart 2 of Part B of Title II, or State-run preschool programs to elementary school programs
- Coordinating and integrating Federal, State, and local services and programs such as other federal programs, violence prevention programs, nutrition programs, housing programs, Head Start programs, adult education programs, career and technical education programs and comprehensive support and improvement activities or targeted support and improvement activities.
- Providing dual or concurrent enrollment program services
These services may be delivered by nonprofit or for-profit external providers with expertise in using evidence-based or other effective strategies to improve student achievement.
Records must be maintained to document that Title I, Part A funds are spent only on activities and services for eligible students.
Supplemental Funds, Not Services
- A school operating a targeted assistance program may not be use Title I, Part A funds to provide services that are otherwise required by law to be made available to eligible students (such as required services for English learners or students with disabilities) but may be used to coordinate or supplement such services.
Reasonable and Necessary
- All expenditures must be reasonable and necessary.
For Additional Information Please Contact:
Laura Meushaw
Title I Coordinator and Program Implementation Supervisor
720-728-9023 (c)
Nazanin (Nazie) Mohajeri-Nelson
Executive Director, Federal Programs & Supports Unit
720-626-3895 (c)
Evita Byrd
ESEA Title I and IV Specialist
720-347-5667 (c)
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