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ARCHIVE -- ESSA Hub Committee Membership List
This page is part of an archive of Colorado's ESSA State Plan Development
As of August 1, 2016
(Note: Hub Committee's last meeting was on March 6, 2017)
- Steve Durham, State Board of Education
- Angelika Schroeder, State Board of Education
- Rep. Brittany Pettersen, State Legislature
- Rep. Jim Wilson, State Legislature
- Evy Valencia, Governor’s Office
- Ken DeLay, Colorado Association of School Boards
- Lisa Escarcega, Colorado Association of School Executives
- Linda Barker, Colorado Education Association
- Don Anderson, Colorado BOCES Association
- Diane Duffy, Colorado Department of Higher Education
- Jesus Escarcega, Colorado ESEA Committee of Practitioners
- Jim Earley, Parent Representative
- Ross Izard, Independence Institute
- Luke Ragland, Colorado Succeeds
- Jeani Frickey Saito, Stand for Children
- Kirk Banghart, Moffat School District, President of Rural Alliance
- Dan Schaller, League of Charter Schools
- Sean Bradley, Urban League of Metropolitan Denver
- Ernest House, Jr., Colorado Commission on Indian Affairs
- Carolyn Gery, Goal Academy
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