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Colorado Statewide Student Information System (SIS)

Project Overview

The Colorado Department of Education (CDE) is investigating ways to improve data collection and reporting processes while reducing data and financial burdens on local schools and districts.  CDE has conducted a value assessment of a statewide student information system (SIS) as a possible solution to the data processing and financial burdens associated with districts maintaining their own SIS implementations. Since data system management and maintenance issues affect districts differently depending on size, geographic location and student needs, it is imperative that we gather insight and information from as many districts as possible.  To do this, CDE engaged Local Education Provider’s (LEP's) across the state via survey's, face to face and virtual Focus Group meetings to gather local perspectives and key data as part of the assessment. 

Approach and Methods

CDE along with Wyant Data Systems, Inc. and Student1 to conducted the value assessment for a statewide SIS using a two-pronged approach:

  • Two short online survey available to all LEP's and
  • A series of cross-state, regional in-person and virtual focus groups with volunteer LEP’s of different sizes, geographic locations and student populations and needs.

The survey and focus groups are both complete.  The Final Statewide Student Information System (SIS) Value Assessment report is now available here.

Interested in Participating?

There will be additional opportunities to participate in this project, beyond the Value Assessment project.  See the last section of the report for details on those opportunities.

Thanks to everyone that participated!

On behalf of the CDE IMS, Wyant Data Systems and Student1 project team, we would like to thank each and everyone of the LEP's that participated in this project.  Your input was critical towards the completion of the value assessment and to determine next steps. 

Please continue to monitor this site for additional details on subsequent steps toward the possible implementation of a Statewide SIS.